Thursday 25 July 2019

Today in Military History July 25

July 25 306  Constantine I is proclaimed Roman emperor by his troops.

July 25 677  Climax of the Siege of Thessalonica by the Slavs in a three-day assault on the city walls.

July 25 864  The Edict of Pistres of Charles the Bald orders defensive measures against the Vikings.

July 25 1139  Battle of Ourique: The Almoravids, led by Ali ibn Yusuf, are defeated by Prince Afonso Henriques who is proclaimed King of Portugal.

July 25 1261  The city of Constantinople is recaptured by Nicaean forces under the command of Alexios Strategopoulos, re-establishing the Byzantine Empire.

July 25 278  The naval Battle of Algeciras takes place in the context of the Spanish Reconquista resulting in a victory for the Emirate of Granada and the Maranid Dynasty over the Kingdom of Castile.

July 25 1467  The Battle of Molinella: The first battle in Italy in which firearms are used extensively.

July 25 1722  Dummer's War begins along the Maine-Massachusetts border.

July 25 1759  French and Indian War: In Western New York, British forces capture Fort Niagara from the French, who subsequently abandon Fort Rouillé.

July 25 1783  American Revolutionary War: The war's last action, the Siege of Cuddalore, is ended by a preliminary peace agreement.

July 25 1797  Horatio Nelson loses more than 300 men and his right arm during the failed conquest attempt of Tenerife (Spain).

July 25 1799  At Abu Qir in Egypt, Napoleon I of France defeats 10,000 Ottomans under Mustafa Pasha.

July 25 1814  War of 1812: An American attack on Canada is repulsed.

July 25 1824  Costa Rica annexes Guanacaste from Nicaragua.

July 25 1861  American Civil War: The United States Congress passes the CrittendenJohnson Resolution, stating that the war is being fought to preserve the Union and not to end slavery.

July 25 1894  The First Sino-Japanese War begins when the Japanese fire upon a Chinese warship.

July 25 1898  In the Puerto Rican Campaign, the United States seizes Puerto Rico from Spain.

July 25 1915  RFC Captain Lanoe Hawker becomes the first British pursuit aviator to earn the Victoria Cross for his actions this day.  Wikipedia

July 25 1916  For his actions this day  Thomas Cooke was awarded the Victoria Cross

For most conspicuous bravery. After a Lewis gun had been disabled, he was ordered to take his gun and gun-team to a dangerous part of the line. Here he did fine work, but came under very heavy fire, with the result that finally he was the only man left. He still stuck to his post, and continued to fire his gun. When assistance was sent he was found dead beside his gun. He set a splendid example of determination and devotion to duty

July 25 1940  General Henri Guisan orders the Swiss Army to resist German invasion and makes surrender illegal.

July 25 1943  World War II: Benito Mussolini is forced out of office by the Grand Council of Fascism and is replaced by Pietro Badoglio.

July 25 1944  World War II: Operation Spring is one of the bloodiest days for the First Canadian Army during the war.

July 25 1946  Nuclear weapons testing: Operation Crossroads: An atomic bomb is detonated underwater in the lagoon of Bikini Atoll.

July 25 1969  Vietnam War: U.S. President Richard Nixon declares the Nixon Doctrine, stating that the United States now expects its Asian allies to take care of their own military defense. This is the start of the "Vietnamization" of the war.

July 25 1993  Israel launches a massive attack against Lebanon in what the Israelis call Operation Accountability, and the Lebanese call the Seven-Day War.

July 25 1996  In a military coup in Burundi, Pierre Buyoya deposes Sylvestre Ntibantunganya.

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Today in Military History September 12

1897 21 Sikh soldiers of the Army of British India  where killed at  Saragarhi hill fort