Sunday 7 July 2019

Today in History July 05

July 05 1770    The Battle of Chesma between the Russian Empire and the Ottoman Empire begins.

July 05 1807    In Buenos Aires the local militias repel the British soldiers within the Second English Invasion.

July 05 1809    The largest battle of the Napoleonic Wars, the Battle of Wagram is fought between the French and Austrian Empires.

July 05 1813    War of 1812: Three weeks of British raids on Fort Schlosser, Black Rock and Plattsburgh, New York commence.

July 05 1814    War of 1812: Battle of Chippawa: American Major General Jacob Brown defeats British General Phineas Riall at Chippawa, Ontario.

July 05 1833    Lê Văn Khôi along with 27 soldiers stage a mutiny taking over the Phiên An citadel, developing into the Lê Văn Khôi revolt against Emperor Minh Mạng.

July 05 1833    Admiral Charles Napier vanquishes the navy of the Portuguese usurper Dom Miguel at the third Battle of Cape St. Vincent.

July 05 1940    World War II: The United Kingdom and the Vichy France government break off diplomatic relations.

July 05 1941    World War II: Operation Barbarossa: German troops reach the Dnieper river.

July 05 1943    World War II: An Allied invasion fleet sails for Sicily (Operation Husky, July 10, 1943).

July 05 1943    World War II: German forces begin a massive offensive against the Soviet Union at the Battle of Kursk, also known as Operation Citadel.

July 05 1945    World War II: The liberation of the Philippines is declared.

July 05 1962    The official independence of Algeria is proclaimed after an 8-year-long war with France.

July 05 1977    Military coup in Pakistan: Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, the first elected Prime Minister of Pakistan, is overthrown.

July 05 2006    North Korea tests four short-range missiles, one medium-range missile and a long-range Taepodong-2. The long-range Taepodong-2 reportedly fails in mid-air over the Sea of Japan.

July 05 2019    Royal Marines helped seize an Iranian supertanker Grace 1 suspected of carrying oil to Syria off the coast of Gibraltar. Syria was under international  sanctions at the time.

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Today in Military History September 12

1897 21 Sikh soldiers of the Army of British India  where killed at  Saragarhi hill fort