Saturday 13 July 2019

Today in Military History July 13

July 13 587 BC   Babylon's siege of Jerusalem ends following the destruction of Solomon's Temple.

July 13 1174   William I of Scotland, a key rebel in the Revolt of 1173 74, is captured at Alnwick by forces loyal to Henry II of England.

July 13 1260   The Livonian Order suffers its greatest defeat in the 13th century in the Battle of Durbe against the Grand Duchy of Lithuania

July 13 1558   Battle of Gravelines: In France, Spanish forces led by Count Lamoral of Egmont defeat the French forces of Marshal Paul de Thermes at Gravelines.

July 13 1573   Eighty Years' War: The Siege of Haarlem ends after seven months.

July 13 1643   English Civil War: Battle of Roundway Down: In England, Henry Wilmot, 1st Earl of Rochester, commanding the Royalist forces, heavily defeats the Parliamentarian forces led by Sir William Waller.

July 13 1794   The Battle of Trippstadt is fought between French forces and those of Prussia and Austria.

July 13 1854   US forces shell and burn San Juan del Norte, Nicaragua

July 13 1854   In the Battle of Guaymas, Mexico, General José María Yáñez stops the French invasion led by Count Gaston de Raousset-Boulbon.

July 13 1854 William Johnstone a Royal Navy Stoker
 On 9 August 1854 in the Baltic, Stoker Johnstone and a lieutenant (John Bythesea) from HMS Arrogant, landed on the island of Vårdö, Åland Islands off Finland in order to intercept important despatches from the tsar which were being sent via Vårdö to Bomarsund.[2] The two men spent two nights reconnoitring the island and on 12 August when the despatches arrived, they ambushed the five Russians carrying them. Two of the carriers dropped their mail bags and ran but the other three surrendered and were taken to the Arrogant.[2] In this action the officer and stoker were armed with just one pistol

July 13 1855   George Dare Dowell lieutenant in the Royal Marine Artillery earned the Victoria Cross for his action at
Fort of Viborg in the Gulf of Finland, when an explosion occurred in one of the cutters of HMS Arrogant, Lieutenant Dowell, who was on board HMS Ruby, took three volunteers and went, under very heavy fire to the assistance of the cutter. He took up three of the crew, and having rescued the rest and also the Captain of the Mast (George Ingouville), he then towed the stricken boat out of enemy gun range

 July 13 1855  George Ingouville, Captain of the Mast.
On the 13th of July, 1855, while the boats of the Arrogant were engaged with the enemy's gun-boats and batteries off Viborg, her second cutter was swamped by the blowing up of her magazine, and drifted under a battery. Notwithstanding that he was wounded in the arm, and that the boat was under a very heavy fire, Ingouville, without any order to do
so, jumped overboard, caught hold of her painter, and saved her. (Despatch from Captain Yelverton, 18th November, 1855, and Rear-Admiral Honourable Sir B. T. Dundas, 12th December, 1855, No. 759.)
— London Gazette, 24 February 1857
July 13 1861   Battle of Corrick's Ford, Virginia (Carrick's Ford) - Union army takes total control of western Virginia

July 13 1862   Battle of Murfreesboro, fought in Rutherford County, Tennessee begins Confederate victory

July 13 1863   Battle of Bayou La Fourche, Louisiana

July 13 863    Battle of Tupelo, Mississippi

July 13 1863   New York City draft riots: In New York City, opponents of conscription begin three days of rioting which will be later regarded as the worst in United States history.

July 13 1878   Treaty of Berlin: The European powers redraw the map of the Balkans. Serbia, Montenegro and Romania become completely independent of the Ottoman Empire.

July 13 1900 Victoria Cross awared to Commander Basil John Douglas Guy VC, DSO Wikipedia

 during the attack on Tientsin City, a very heavy cross-fire was brought to bear on the Naval Brigade, and there were several casualties. Among those who fell was an able seaman (name not quoted here), shot about 50 yards short of cover. Mr. Guy stopped with him, and, after seeing what the injury was, attempted to lift him up and carry him in, but was not strong enough, so after binding up the wound Mr. Guy ran to get assistance. In the mean time, the remainder of the company had passed in under cover, and the entire fire from the city wall was concentrated on Mr. Guy and the other man. Shortly after Mr. Guy had got in under cover the stretchers came up, and again Mr. Guy dashed out and assisted in placing the wounded man on the stretcher and carrying him in. The wounded man was however shot dead just as he was being carried into safety. During the whole time, a very heavy fire had been brought to bear upon Mr. Guy, and the ground around him was absolutely ploughed up

July 13 1919   The British airship R34 lands in Norfolk, England, completing the first airship return journey across the Atlantic in 182 hours of flight.

July 13 1941   World War II: Montenegrins begin a popular uprising against the Axis powers (Trinaestojulski ustanak).

July 13 1943   The Battle of Kursk, involving some 6,000 tanks, two million men, and 5,000 aircraft, ends with the German offensive repulsed by the Soviets at heavy cost

July 13 1953   Battle of the Kumsong River begins - last major battle of the Korean war

July 13 1977   Somalia declares war on Ethiopia, starting the Ogaden War.

July 13 2003   French DGSE personnel abort an operation to rescue Íngrid Betancourt from FARC rebels in Colombia, causing a political scandal when details are leaked to the press.

July 13 2008   Battle of Wanat begins when Taliban and al-Qaeda guerrillas attack US Army and Afghan National Army troops in Afghanistan. The U.S. deaths were, at that time, the most in a single battle since the beginning of operations in 2001.

July 13 2021 HMS Shoreham’s crew become first to convert to new autonomous minehunters.
                        Via Royal Navy    Wikipedia

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Today in Military History September 12

1897 21 Sikh soldiers of the Army of British India  where killed at  Saragarhi hill fort