Thursday 18 July 2019

Today in Military History July 18

 July 18 477 BC Battle of the Cremera as part of the Roman Etruscan Wars. Veii ambushes and defeats the Roman army.

 July 18 390 BC Roman-Gaulish Wars: Battle of the Allia: A Roman army is defeated by raiding Gauls, leading to the subsequent sacking of Rome.

 July 18 362 Roman Persian Wars: Emperor Julian arrives at Antioch with a Roman expeditionary force (60,000 men) and stays there for nine months to launch a campaign against the Persian Empire.

 July 18 452 Sack of Aquileia: After an earlier defeat on the Catalaunian Plains, Attila lays siege to the metropolis of Aquileia and eventually destroys it.

 July 18 645 Chinese forces under general Li Shiji besiege the strategic fortress city of Anshi (Liaoning) during the Goguryeo Tang War.

 July 18 1195 Battle of Alarcos: Almohad forces defeat the Castilian army of Alfonso VIII and force its retreat to Toledo.

 July 18 1389 France and England agree to the Truce of Leulinghem, inaugurating a 13-year peace, the longest period of sustained peace during the Hundred Years' War.

 July 18 1391 Tokhtamysh Timur war: Battle of the Kondurcha River: Timur defeats Tokhtamysh of the Golden Horde in present-day southeast Russia.

 July 18 1630 Spanish troops occupy Mantua

 July 18 1656 Battle at Warsaw: Swedish King Charles X Gustav beats John II Casimir and occupies Warsaw

 July 18 1737 Battle at Banja Luka: Turkish army beats Austrians

 July 18 1806 A gunpowder magazine explosion in Birgu, Malta, kills around 200 people.

 July 18 1812 The Treaties of Orebro end both the Anglo-Russian and Anglo-Swedish Wars.

 July 18 1857 Louis Faidherbe, French governor of Senegal, arrives to relieve French forces at Kayes, effectively ending El Hajj Umar Tall's war against the French.

18th of July, 1857   Richard Wadeson  For conspicuous bravery at Delhi on the 18th of July, 1857, when the Regiment was engaged in the Subjee Mundee, in having saved the life of Private Michael Farrell, when attached by a Sowar of the enemy's Cavalry, and killing the Sowar. Also, on the same day, for rescuing Private John Barry, of the same Regiment, when, wounded and helpless, he was attacked by a Cavalry Sowar, whom Lieutenant Wadeson killed.

 July 18 1861 Battle of Blackburn's Ford, Virginia

 July 18 1862 Battle of Newburgh, Indiana - captured by Union forces

 July 18 1863 American Civil War: Second Battle of Fort Wagner: One of the first formal African American military units, the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, supported by several white regiments, attempts an unsuccessful assault on Confederate-held Battery Wagner.

 July 18 1863 Battle of Fort Wagner, South Carolina - Second assault

 July 18 1907 French troops occupy Casablanca

 July 18 1914 US army air service 1st comes into being, in Signal Corps

 July 18 1915 Second Battle of Isonzo begins and ends with over 80,000 casualties

July 18 1916   William Frederick Faulds VC for his actions on 18 July 1916 at Delville WoodFrance.

For most conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty. A bombing party under Lieut. Craig attempted to rush across 40 yards of ground which lay between the British and enemy trenches. Coming under very heavy rifle and machine gun fire the officer and the majority of the party were killed or wounded.
Unable to move, Lieut. Craig lay midway between the two lines of trench, the ground being quite open.
"In full daylight Pte. Faulds, accompanied by two other men, climbed over the parapet, ran out, picked up the officer, and carried him back, one man being severely wounded in so doing.
Two days later Private Faulds again showed most conspicuous bravery in going out alone to bring in a wounded man, and carrying him nearly half a mile to a dressing-station, subsequently rejoining his platoon. The artillery fire was at the time so intense that stretcher-bearers and others considered that any attempt to bring in the wounded men meant certain death. This risk Private Faulds faced unflinchingly, and his bravery was crowned with success

July 18 1942 World War II: During the Beisfjord massacre in Norway, 15 Norwegian paramilitary guards help members of the SS to kill 288 political prisoners from Yugoslavia.

 July 18 1942 The Germans test fly the Messerschmitt Me 262 using its jet engines for the first time.

 July 18 1944 World War II: Hideki Tōjō resigns as Prime Minister of Japan because of numerous setbacks in the war effort.

 July 18 1944 Operation Goodwood: British assault east of Caen

 July 18 1944 Allies air raid railways at Vaires, Paris

 July 18 1944 RAF Mosquitos attack Cologne and Berlin

 July 18 1944 British air raid on German convoy SW of Heligoland

 July 18 1944 British troops occupy Bourquebus hill range, Normandy

 July 18 1944 Polish troops under General Anders occupy Ancona Italy

 July 18 1944 US troop march into St Lo

 July 18 1947 British seize "Exodus 1947" ship of Jewish immigrants to Palestine

 July 18 1960 1st UN troops reach Congo

 July 18 1972 The 100th British soldier to die in the Northern Ireland "troubles" is shot by a sniper in Belfast

 July 18 1996 Battle of Mullaitivu: The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam capture the Sri Lanka Army's base, killing over 1200 soldiers.

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Today in Military History September 12

1897 21 Sikh soldiers of the Army of British India  where killed at  Saragarhi hill fort