Tuesday 23 April 2019

Today in Military History April 23

1014   Battle of Clontarf: High King of Ireland Brian Boru defeats Viking invaders, but is killed in battle. w

1521   Battle of Villalar: King Charles I of Spain defeats the Comunerosw

1655   The Siege of Santo Domingo begins during the Anglo-Spanish War, and fails seven days later. w

1918   World War I: The British Royal Navy makes a raid in an attempt to neutralise the Belgian port of Bruges-Zeebruggew

1941   World War II: The Greek government and King George II evacuate Athens before the invading Wehrmachtw

1942  World War II: Baedeker Blitz: German bombers hit Exeter, Bath and York in retaliation for the British raid on Lübeckw


John Thompson McKellar Anderson was awarded the VC, on 23 April 1943 at the Battle of Longstop Hill. The citation reads:

For conspicuous gallantry and outstanding devotion to duty during the attack on "Longstop" Hill, Tunisia, on the 23rd April, 1943.

Over a period of five hours Major Anderson led the attack through intense enemy machine-gun and mortar fire. As leading Company Commander he led the assault on the Battalion's first objective, in daylight, over a long expanse of open sloping hillside and most of the time without the effective cover of smoke. Enemy infantry opposition was most determined, and very heavy casualties were sustained, including all other rifle Company Commanders, before even the first objective was reached.

On the first objective and still under continual enemy fire, Major Anderson reorganised the Battalion and rallied men whose Commanders, in most cases, had been either killed or wounded. The Commanding Officer having been killed, he took command of the Battalion and led the assault on the second objective. During this assault he received a leg wound, but in spite of this he carried on and finally captured "Longstop" Hill with a total force of only four officers and less than forty other ranks. Fire had been so intense during this stage of the attack that the remainder of the Battalion were pinned down and unable to advance until Major Anderson had successfully occupied the hill.

During the assault, he personally led attacks on at least three enemy machine-gun positions and in every case was the first man into the enemy pits; he also led a successful attack on an enemy mortar position of four mortars, defended by over thirty of the enemy. Major Anderson's force on the hill captured about 200 prisoners and killed many more during the attack. It is largely due to this officer's bravery and daring that "Longstop" Hill was captured, and it was the inspiration of his example which encouraged leaderless men to continue the advance.[3]

1945   World War II: Adolf Hitler's designated successor, Hermann Göring, sends him a telegram asking permission to take leadership of the Third Reich. Martin Bormann and Joseph Goebbels advise Hitler that the telegram is treasonous w

1946    Manuel Roxas is elected the last President of the Commonwealth of the Philippinesw

1951    The Battle of the Imjin River had begun in South Korea. 1st Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment occupied hill 235 w

1971   Bangladesh Liberation War: The Pakistan Army and Razakars massacre approximately
3,000 Hindu emigrants in the Jathibhanga area of East Pakistan (now Bangladesh). w

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Today in Military History September 12

1897 21 Sikh soldiers of the Army of British India  where killed at  Saragarhi hill fort   https://www.army.mod.uk/news-and-events/news/2020...