Friday 4 February 2022

On This Day in Military History 4 February


1670 Battle of Sinhagad, Shivaji commander Tanaji Malusare recaptures fort of Sinhagad 1

1810  Commodore Fahie Of the British Royal Navy attacked the undefended town of Basse-Terre, landing with a force of Royal Marines and capturing the town W  1

1874 The Battle of OrdashuAshanti (now Ghana

1874 Colonel Mark Sever BellVCCB (15 May 1843 – 26 June 1906) was an English recipient of the Victoria Cross,

For his distinguished bravery, and zealous, resolute, and self-devoted conduct at the battle of Ordahsu, on the 4th February, 1874, whilst serving under the immediate orders of Colonel Sir John Chetham McLeod, K.C.B., of the 42nd Regiment, who commanded the Advanced Guard. Sir John McLeod was an eye witness of his gallant find distinguished conduct on the occasion, and considers that this Officer's fearless and resolute bearing, being always in the front, urging on and encouraging an unarmed working party of Fantee labourers, who were exposed not only to the fire of the Enemy, but to the wild and irregular fire of the Native Troops in the rear, contributed very materially to the success of the day. By his example, he made these men do what no European party was ever required to do in warfare, namely, to work under fire in the face of the Enemy without a covering party

1917   Henry William "Harry" MurrayVCCMGDSO & BarDCM Was  awarded the Victoria Cross for his actions on  4th and 5th  February 1917

His Majesty the KING has been graciously pleased to approve of the award of the Victoria Cross to the undermentioned Officer and Non-Commissioned Officer: –

Capt. Henry William Murray, D.S.O., Aus. infy.

For most conspicuous bravery when in command of the right flank company in attack. He led his company to the assault with great skill and courage, and the position was quickly captured. Fighting of a very severe nature followed, and three heavy counter-attacks were beaten back, these successes being due to Captain Murray's wonderful work.

Throughout the night his company suffered heavy casualties through concentrated enemy shell fire, and on one occasion gave ground for a short way. This gallant officer rallied his command and saved the situation by sheer valour.

He made his presence felt throughout the line, encouraging his men, heading bombing parties, leading bayonet charges, and carrying wounded to places of safety.

His magnificent example inspired his men throughout.

1941 British tanks occupy Maus, Libya  1

1942 Clinton Pierce becomes 1st US general wounded in action in WW II  1

1944 US 7th Infantry Division captures Kwajalein, in the Pacific 1

1947  Wing Commander Hubert Dinwoodie, Awarded the George Cross.

Awarded the George Cross on 4 February 1947, the citation in the London Gazette praised Dinwoodie for displaying

...cold-blooded heroism and initiative in extremely critical circumstances. He was ably assisted by Corporal Garred who showed courage and devotion to duty of a very high order. Although both were aware that they were in great personal danger, they completed a task which probably averted a serious disaster to the port of Lubeck.


Corporal  Garred was awarded the George Medal.

The KING has been graciously pleased to approve the following awards of the GEORGE CROSS, George Medal and British Empire Medal (Military Division) to the undermentioned: — Awarded the GEORGE CROSS: — Squadron Leader Hubert DINWOODIE, O.B.E., M.C. (72819), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, No. 5140 (Bomib Disposal) Squadron. Awarded the George Medal. 1805558 Corporal Roland Norman GAKRED, B.E.M., Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, No. 5140 (Bomb Disposal) Squadron. Awarded the British Empire Medal (Military Division).

1947 1652249 Leading Aircraftman John William HATTOW, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, No. 5140 (Bomb Disposal) Squadron Awarded the British Empire Medal.

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Today in Military History September 12

1897 21 Sikh soldiers of the Army of British India  where killed at  Saragarhi hill fort