Tuesday 1 February 2022

On this Day in Military History 1st February

1793 – French Revolutionary Wars: France declares war on the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. W

1861 American Civil War: Texas secedes from the United States and joins the Confederacy a week later. W

1864 – Second Schleswig War: Prussian forces crossed the border into Schleswig, starting the war. W

1900 – Great Britain, defeated by Boers in key battles, has named Lord Roberts commander of British forces in South Africa. W

1915 Michael O'Leary was awarded the Victoria Cross for his actions this day. 

No. 3556 Lance-Corporal Michael O'Leary, 1st Battalion, Irish Guards

For conspicuous bravery at Cuinchy on the 1st February, 1915. When forming one of the storming party which advanced against the enemy's barricades he rushed to the front and himself killed five Germans who were holding the first barricade, after which he attacked a second barricade, about 60 yards further on, which he captured, after killing three of the enemy and making prisoners of two more. Lance-Corporal O'Leary thus practically captured the enemy's position by himself and prevented the attacking party from being fired upon.

The London Gazette, 16 February 1915

 1917 German Grand Admiral Alfred von Tirpitz announces unrestricted submarine warfare against allied shipping

1940 Soviet Union begins new offensive against Finland

1941  Second Lieutenant (King's Commissioned Indian Officer) in the Corps of Indian EngineersIndian Army, attd. Royal Bombay Sappers and Miners during the Second World War when the following deed took place for which he was awarded the Victoria Cross:

His Majesty The KING has been graciously pleased to approve of the award of the Victoria Cross to the undermentioned officer: —

Second-Lieutenant Premindra Singh Bhagat, Corps of Indian Engineers (serving with Royal Bombay Sappers and Miners).

For most conspicuous gallantry on active service in the Middle East. During the pursuit of the enemy following the capture of Metemma on the night 31 January – 1 February 1941, Second-Lieutenant Bhagat was in command of a section of a Field Company, Sappers and Miners, detailed to accompany the leading mobile troops (Bren Carriers) to clear the road and adjacent areas of mines. For a period of four days and over a distance of 55 miles this officer in the leading carrier led the Column. During this period, he himself detected and personally supervised the clearing of no less than 15 minefields of varying dimensions. Speed being essential, he worked at high pressure from dawn to dusk each day. On two occasions when his carrier was blown up with casualties to others, and on a third occasion when ambushed and under close enemy fire he himself carried straight on with his task. He refused relief when worn out with strain and fatigue and with one eardrum punctured by an explosion, on the grounds that he was now better qualified to continue his task to the end.

His coolness, persistence over a period of 96 hours, and gallantry, not only in battle, but throughout the long period when the safety of the Column and the speed at which it could advance were dependent on his personal efforts, were of the highest order. — London Gazette: 10 June 1941   W

1942 – World War II: U.S. Navy conducts Marshalls–Gilberts raids, the first offensive action by the United States against Japanese forces in the Pacific Theater. W

1944 US 7th Infantry/4th Marine Division lands on Kwajalein/Roi/Namur

1945 US Army arrives at Siegfriedlinie

1998 – Rear Admiral Lillian E. Fishburne becomes the first female African American to be promoted to rear admiral. W

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