Friday 18 February 2022

Today in Military History 18 February

 1268 The Battle of Wesenberg is fought

1637 Off the coast of Cornwall, England, a Spanish fleet intercepts an important Anglo-Dutch merchant convoy of 44 vessels escorted by six warships, destroying or capturing 20 of them.

1781 Fourth Anglo-Dutch War: Captain Thomas Shirley opens his expedition against Dutch colonial outposts on the Gold Coast of Africa.

1797 Sir Ralph Abercromby and a fleet of 18 British warships invade Trinidad.

1814 The Battle of Montereau.

1900 British forces suffer their worst single-day loss of life on Bloody Sunday, the first day of the Battle of Paardeberg.

1900  Sergeant Atkinson was awarded the Victoria Cross

During the Battle of Paardeburg on 18th February 1900, Sergeant Atkinson went out seven-times, under heavy and close fire, to obtain water for the wounded. At the seventh attempt he was wounded in the head, and died a few days afterwards. VCOL   W

1915 The Imperial German Navy institutes unrestricted submarine warfare in the waters around Great Britain and Ireland.

1942 The Imperial Japanese Army begins the systematic extermination of perceived hostile elements among the Chinese in Singapore.

1946 Sailors of the Royal Indian Navy mutiny in Bombay harbour

1947 The French gain complete control of Hanoi after forcing the Viet Minh to withdraw to mountains.

1952  Greece was formally welcomed into NATO

Wednesday 16 February 2022

Today in Military History 16 February

 1512 Battle at Valeggio: French troops beat Venetianen OTD

1646 Battle of Great Torrington, Devon - the last major battle of the first English Civil War OTD

1760 Native American hostages killed in Fort Prince George, South Carolina OTD

1804 US Navy Lt Stephen Decatur raids Tripoli Harbor & burns Navy frigate "Philadelphia"  OTD

1846 Battle of Sobraon ends 1st Sikh War in India OTD

1862  American Civil War: General Ulysses S. Grant captures Fort Donelson, Tennessee. W

1864 Battle of Mobile, Alabama  OTD

1894 British troops occupy Ilorin, Gold Coast OTD

1916 Russian troops conquer the Ottoman Empire city of Erzurum during WWI OTD

1934 Austrian Civil War ends with the defeat of the Social Democrats and the Republican Schutzbund OTD

1940 British search plane finds German supply ship Altmark OTD

1942 – World War II: In Athens, the Greek People's Liberation Army is established 

   Audio from BBC of action

1942 William Thomas Gould was 27 years old, and a petty officer in the Royal Navy during the Second World War when the following deed took place for which he was awarded the VC

When after dark the submarine surfaced, two unexploded bombs were discovered in the gun-casing. Petty Officer Gould and Lieutenant Peter Scawen Watkinson Roberts volunteered to remove the bombs, which were of a type unknown to them. They removed the first one without too much difficulty, but the second bomb had penetrated the side plating of the gun emplacement, and then the deck casing above the pressure hull.

Roberts and Gould entered the confined space (which was no more than 2 feet (61 cm) high in places), and lying flat, wormed past deck supports, battery ventilators, and drop bollards. The petty officer then lay on his back with the 150 lb bomb in his arms while the lieutenant dragged him along by the shoulders. "It was then a matter of the two of us, lying horizontally, pushing and pulling the bomb back through the casing. It was pitch black and the bomb was making this horrible ticking noise while the submarine was being buffeted by the waves". They pushed and dragged the bomb for a distance of some 20 feet (6.1 m) until it could be lowered over the side. Every time the bomb was moved there was a loud twanging noise as of a broken spring which added nothing to their peace of mind. Thrasher was surfaced, stationary, and close inshore to enemy waters. If the submarine was forced to crash dive while they were in the casing, they must have been drowned. It was 50] minutes before they got the bomb clear, wrapped it in sacking, and dropped it over the side. W

On 16 February 1942 north of Crete, in the Mediterranean, HM Submarine Thrasher, after attacking and sinking a supply ship, was itself attacked. Thrasher was subjected to a three-hour depth charge attack and aerial bombing.

Later, after surfacing, two unexploded bombs were discovered in the gun-casing. Lieutenant Roberts and a petty officer (Thomas William Gould) removed the first one without too much difficulty, but the second bomb had penetrated the side plating of the gun emplacement, and then the deck casing above the pressure hull. Roberts and Gould entered the confined space (which was no more than 2 ft high in places), and lying flat, wormed past deck supports, battery ventilators, and drop bollards. The petty officer then lay on his back with the 100 lb bomb in his arms while the lieutenant dragged him along by the shoulders. Meanwhile, Thrasher was surfaced, stationary, and close inshore to enemy waters. If the submarine was forced to crash dive, both men would drown. It was 40 minutes before they got the bomb clear, wrapped it in sacking, and dropped it over the side

1943 Withdrawing Afrika Korps reaches Mareth-line in North Africa OTD

1943 World War II: The USSR retakes Kharkov OTD

1944 Major Charles Ferguson Hoey was awarded the Victoria Cross for his actions this day

    "In BURMA, on the 16th February, 1944, Major Hoey's company formed part of a force which was ordered to capture a position at all costs. After a night march through enemy-held territory, the force was met at the foot of the position by machine gun fire. Major Hoey personally led his company under heavy machine gun and rifle fire up to the objective. Although wounded at least twice in the leg and head, he seized a Bren gun from one of his men and, firing from the hip, led his company into the objective. In spite of his wounds the company had difficulty in keeping up with him, and Major Hoey reached the enemy strong post first, where he killed all the occupants before being mortally wounded. Major Hoey's outstanding gallantry and leadership, his total disregard of personal safety and his grim determination to reach the objective resulted in the capture of this vital position." LG

1945 16/17 February at Kanlan YwathitBurma (now Myanmar), Jemadar Prakash Singh Chib was commanding a platoon which took the main weight of fierce enemy attacks. He was wounded in both ankles and relieved of his command, but when his second-in-command was also wounded, he crawled back and took command of his unit again, directing operations and encouraging his men. He was wounded in both legs a second time but he continued to direct the defense, dragging himself from place to place by his hands. When wounded a third time and final time, he lay shouting the Dogra war-cry, "Jawala Mata Ki Jai! [Victory to Goddess Jawala!]" as he succumbed to his wounds, inspiring his company that finally drove off the enemy W

1945 US forces land on Corregidor OTD

1945 Venezuela declares war on Nazi Germany OTD

1986 French air force bombs Ouadi Doum airport in Chad OTD

2006 The last Mobile Army Surgical Hospital (MASH) is decommissioned by the United States Army OTD

Tuesday 15 February 2022

Today in Military History 15 February

 1563 Russian troops occupy Polotsk Lithuania H

1861 Fort Point, in San Francisco, California, completed & garrisoned H

1862  Confederates commanded by Brig. Gen. John B. Floyd attack General Ulysses S. Grant's Union forces Fort DonelsonTennessee. Unable to break the fort's encirclement, Floyd surrenders the following day W

1898 USS Maine sinks in Havana harbour H

1900 Lieutenant Francis Newton Parsons was awarded the VC for his action this day.

Essex Regiment, Lieutenant Francis Newton Parsons (since deceased)

On the morning of the 15th February, 1900, at Paardeberg, on the south bank of the River Modder, Private Ferguson, 1st Battalion Essex Regiment, was wounded and fell in a place devoid of cover. While trying to crawl under cover, he was again wounded, in the stomach, Lieutenant Parsons at once went to his assistance, dressed his wound under heavy fire, went down twice (still under heavy fire) to the bank of the river to get water for Private Ferguson, and subsequently carried him to a place of safety.

This Officer was recommended for the Victoria Cross by Lieutenant-General Kelly-Kenny, C.B. on 3rd March latt.

Lieutenant Parsons was killed on the 10th March, in the engagement at Dreifontein, on which occasion he again displayed conspicuous gallantry. W

1918 US army troop ship torpedoed & sunk by Germany off Ireland H

1939 German battleship Bismarck was launched H

1942 German U-boat shells Antillian oil refinery H

1942 Japanese troops march into Palembang, South Sumatra H

1942 Singapore surrenders to the Japanese H

1944 891 British bombers attack Berlin in the largest raid by the RAF against the city H

1944 Allies begin attack on Axis held Monte Cassino monastery, Italy H

1944 The Narva Offensive begins  W

1946 Wing Commander Forest Frederick Edward Yeo-Thomas was awarded the George Cross W

1948 Mao Zedong's army occupies Yenan H

1952  King George VI of the United Kingdom is buried in St George's Chapel, Windsor CastleW

1984 500,000 Iranian soldiers move into Iraq H

1989 The Soviet Union officially announces that all of its troops have left AfghanistanW

Monday 14 February 2022

Today In Military History 13 February

 1258 Baghdad, then a city of 1 million, falls to the Mongols as the abbasid Caliphate is destroyed, tens of thousands slaughtered, ending the Islamic Golden Age

1601 1st British East India Company voyage departs from London, lead by John Lancaster

1951 At the Battle of Chipyong-ni, in Korea, U.N. troops contain the Chinese forces' offensive in a two-day battle

1942 Hitler's Operation Sealion, the invasion of England, is cancelled

1945 Allied planes begin bombing Dresden, Germany; a firestorm results and over 22,000 die

1945 USSR captures Budapest, after a 49-day battle with Nazi Germany in which 159,000 die

1979  On 13 February 1979,  Captain Robert Laurence  Nairac was posthumously awarded the George CrossW

On This day in Military History 14 February

1530 Spanish conquistadores, led by Nuño de Guzmán, overthrow and execute Tangaxuan II W

1778 The United States flag is formally recognized by a foreign naval vessel for the first time, when French Admiral Toussaint-Guillaume Picquet de la Motte renders a nine gun salute to USS Ranger, commanded by John Paul Jones.  W

1779 American Loyalists are defeated by Patriots at Kettle Creek, Ga. H

1797 The Battle of Cape St Vincent: British fleet under Admiral Sir John Jervis defeats larger Spanish fleet under Admiral Don José de Córdoba y Ramos near Cape St. Vincent, Portugal. H

1855 During the Siege of SevastopolCrimea, Corporal Lendrim superintended 150 French Chasseurs in building No. 9 Battery left attack and replacing the whole of the capsized gabions under a heavy fire. On 11 April he got on top of a magazine under fire, and extinguished burning sandbags, making good the breach. On 20 April he was one of four volunteers who destroyed the screen which the Russians had erected to conceal their advance rifle-pits. W

1862 Galena the 1st US iron-clad warship for service at sea, launched H

1879 Chilean troops occupy Antofagasta v  H

1912 1st US submarines with diesel engines commissioned, Groton, Connecticut H

1916 Near Hooge, Belgium, when the enemy exploded a mine, Lieutenant McNair and a number of men were flung into the air and many were buried. Although much shaken, the lieutenant at once organised a party with a machine-gun to man the near edge of the crater and opened rapid fire on the enemy who were advancing. They were driven back with many dead. Lieutenant McNair then ran back for reinforcements, but the communication trench being blocked he went across the open under heavy fire and led up the reinforcements the same way. His prompt and plucky action undoubtedly saved a critical situation. W

1919 The Polish-Soviet War begins. H

1940 British merchant vessel fleet is armed H

1941 German Afrika Korps lands in Tripoli, Libya H

1942  In the Java Sea, off MalayaHMS Li Wo, a patrol vessel, formerly a passenger steamer, commanded by Lieutenant Wilkinson, sighted two enemy convoys, one escorted by Japanese warships, The lieutenant told his crew he had decided to engage the convoy and fight to the last in the hope of inflicting some damage, a decision that drew resolute support from the whole ship's crew. In the action that followed, a Japanese transport was set on fire and abandoned, and Li Wo engaged a heavy cruiser for over an hour before being hit at point-blank range and sunk. Lieutenant Wilkinson ordered his crew to abandon ship, but he went down with the Li Wo. W

1942 Japanese parachutists land near oil center Palembang, Sumatra H

1942 World War II: Battle of Pasir Panjang contributes to the fall of Singapore. H

1943 German offensive against US troops through de Faid-pass, Tunisia begins, starting the Battle of Sidi Bou Zid H

1943 The Soviet Union recaptures the city of Rostov-on-Don, liberating Russia from the German 17th Army during WWII H

1944 World War II: In the action of 14 February 1944, a Royal Navy submarine sinks a German-controlled Italian Regia Marina submarine in the Strait of Malacca. W

1945 Second day of the bombing of Dresden by Allied air forces H

1945 World War II: Prague is bombed probably due to a mistake in the orientation of the pilots bombing Dresden. H

1945 World War II: Mostar is liberated by Yugoslav partisans. H

1992 Cease fire in Somalia begins H

Friday 11 February 2022

Today in Military History 11 February

 1584  A naval expedition led by Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa founds Nombre de Jesús, the first of two short-lived Spanish settlements in the Strait of Magellan W

1659  The assault on Copenhagen by Swedish forces is beaten back W

1797  A daring night reconnaissance off Cape St Vincent  by Commodore Horatio Nelson on 11 February located the Spanish Fleet during the Napoleonic wars.

1938 HM Naval Base Singapore  was activated.

Thursday 10 February 2022

Today in Military History 10 February

1258  Baghdad falls to the Mongols, bringing the Islamic Golden Age to an end. W

1763 The Treaty of Paris ends the war and France cedes Quebec to Great Britain. W

1814 The Battle of Champaubert ends in French victory over the Russians and the Prussians. W

1858 Lieutenant  Tytler was Awarded  The Victoria Cross

On the attacking parties approaching the enemy's position under a heavy fire of round shot, grape, and musketry, on the occasion of the action at Choorpoorah, on the 10th February last, Lieutenant Tytler dashed on horseback ahead of all, and alone, up to the enemy's guns, where he remained engaged hand to hand, until they were carried by us; and where he was shot through the left arm, had a spear wound in his chest, and a ball through the right sleeve of his coat. (Letter from Captain C. C. G. Ross, Commanding 66th (Goorkha) Regiment, to Captain Brownlow, Major of Brigade, Kemaon Field Force.)  W

1846 Battle of Sobraon: British defeat Sikhs in the final battle of the Anglo-Sikh War war W

1862 A Union naval flotilla destroys the bulk of the Confederate Mosquito Fleet in the Battle of Elizabeth City on the Pasquotank River W

1906 HMS Dreadnought, the first of a revolutionary new breed of battleships, is christened. W

1936 Italian troops launch the Battle of Amba Aradam against Ethiopian defenders. v

1939 The Nationalists conclude their conquest of Catalonia and seal the border with France In the Spanish Civil War: v

1943 The Battle of Krasny Bor this was part of the Soviet offensive Operation Polyarnaya Zvezda, in the Eastern Front of World War II. W

1955  US evacuates Pacific islands The American Navy has moved thousands of people from the Chinese Nationalist Tachen Islands.

1965 - The Viet Cong attacked an American installation in Qui Nhon. Twenty-three Americans were killed. President Johnson ordered a retalitory strike known as Flaming Dart II.

Wednesday 9 February 2022

Today In Military History 9 February

 1746 HMS Portland captured French Auguste during the War of the Austrian Succession. 

1775 The British Parliament declares Massachusetts in rebellion w

1788 The Habsburg Empire joins the Russo-Turkish War in the Russian camp w

1799 The USS Constellation captures the French frigate Insurgente off the West Indies. H

1799 HMS Daedalus  captured Prudente oner Dorad.   w

1822 Haiti attacks the newly established Dominican Republic on the other side of the island of        Hispaniola w

1904 Battle of Port Arthur concludes. (Russia and Japan) w

1904 Japanese troops land near Seoul, Korea, after disabling two Russian cruisers. H

1941 Bombing of Genoa: The Cathedral of San Lorenzo in Genoa, Italy, is struck by a bomb which fails to detonate. w

1916 Conscription begins in Great Britain as the Military Service Act becomes effective. H

1943 Allied authorities declare Guadalcanal secure after Imperial Japan evacuates its remaining forces from the island, ending the Battle of Guadalcanal. w

1943 The Red Army takes back Kursk 15 months after it fell to the Germans. H

1945 HMS Venturer sinks U-864 off the coast of Fedje, Norway, in a rare instance of submarine-to-submarine combat. v

1945 A force of Allied aircraft unsuccessfully attack a German destroyer in Førdefjorden, Norway w

1951 The two-day Geochang massacre begins as a battalion of the 11th Division of the South Korean Army kills 719 unarmed citizens in Geochang, in the South Gyeongsang district of South Korea. w

1953 The French destroy six Viet Minh war factories hidden in the jungles of Vietnam. H

1959 The R-7 Semyorka, the first intercontinental ballistic missile, becomes operational at Plesetsk, USSR. v

165 The United States Marine Corps sends a MIM-23 Hawk missile battalion to South Vietnam w

Tuesday 8 February 2022

Today in Military History 8 February

1857  Malcolmson was 21 years old, and a lieutenant in the 3rd Bombay Light Cavalry, Indian Army during the Persian War when the following deed took place for which he and Arthur Thomas Moore were awarded the VC.

On 8 February 1857 at the Battle of KhushabPersia, the adjutant of the regiment, Lieutenant Moore was probably the first in the attack, but his horse, on leaping into the square, fell dead, crushing his rider and breaking his sword. The adjutant extricated himself and tried with his broken sword to force his way through the enemy, but he would almost certainly have lost his life had not Lieutenant Malcolmson seen his plight, fought his way to his dismounted comrade and, giving him his stirrup, carried him to safety. W

1857  Lieutenant Moore Received the Victoria Cross.

 On 8 February 1857 at the Battle of KhushabPersia, Lieutenant Moore who was Adjutant of the Regiment, was probably the first in the attack, but his horse, on leaping into the square, fell dead, crushing his rider and breaking his sword. Lieutenant Moore extricated himself, but he would almost certainly have lost his life had not Lieutenant John Grant Malcolmson fought his way to his dismounted comrade and carried him to safety. In this battle Lieutenant Moore also charged an infantry square of 500 Persians at the head of his regiment and jumped his horse over the enemy's bayonets W

1881 Battle of Schuinshoogte, also known as Battle of Ingogo, was fought north of Newcastle, KwaZulu-NatalBattle of Schuinshoogte, also known as Battle of Ingogo, was fought north of Newcastle, KwaZulu-Natal  W

 1904  Battle of Port Arthur: A surprise torpedo attack by the Japanese at Port Arthur, China starts the Russo-Japanese War. W

1904 Dutch Colonial Army's Marechaussee regiment led by General G.C.E. van Daalen launch military campaign to capture Gayo Highland, W

1917 Tribal Class Destroyer HMS GURKHA is sunk by a mine off Dungeness. 

1942   Japan invades Singapore W

1942 Dutch Colonial Army General Destruction Unit (AVC, Algemene Vernielings Corps) burns Banjarmasin, South Borneo to avoid Japanese capture. W

1945 The United Kingdom and Canada commence Operation Veritable to occupy the west bank of the Rhine. W

1945 Mikhail Devyataev escapes with nine other Soviet inmates from a Nazi concentration camp in Peenemünde on the island of Usedom W

1948 AB Lowe was one of 51 sailors on the liberty boat returning to HMS Illustrious in 1948 and was trapped under a canopy when the boat sank. Struggling free, he surfaced, saw a life-belt and swam towards the ship. As he reached the stern a line was thrown to him; just then Mr Lowe heard a cry for help and saw a midshipman about 10 yards away in great difficulty. Disregarding his own safety, Mr Lowe grabbed the line and swam to the now unconscious midshipman and pulled him to the ship side.

For this action he won the Albert Medal later  in 1971 it was changed for the George Cross following a change in the Royal Warrant.

Monday 7 February 2022

Today in Military History. 21st August


1860  Andrew FITZGIBBON actions on this day earned him the Victoria Cross. He  proceeded, under heavy fire, to attend a dhoolie-bearer, whose wound he had been directed to bind up, and while the regiment was advancing under the enemy's fire, he ran across the open ground to attend to another wounded man. In doing so he was himself severely wounded.[2]

"For having behaved with great coolness and courage at the capture of the North Taku Fort, on the 21st of August, 1860. On the morning of that day he accompanied a wing of the 67th Regiment, when it took up a position within 500 yards of the Fort. Having quitted cover, he proceeded, under a heavy fire, to attend to a Dhoolie-bearer, whose wound he had been directed to bind up; and, while the Regiment was advancing under the Enemy’s fire, he ran across the open to attend to another wounded man, in doing which he was himself severely wounded. "

Today in Military History 14 October

14 October 19

On 14 October 1939, Royal Oak was anchored at Scapa Flow in Orkney, Scotland, when she was torpedoed by the German submarine U-47. Of Royal Oak's complement of 1,234 men and boys, 835 were killed that night or died later of their wounds


On This Day in Military History 7 February

 457 Leo I becomes the Eastern Roman emperor  W

1783 The Siege of Gibraltar was  lifted W

1842 Battle of Debre Tabor: Ras Ali Alula, Regent of the Emperor of Ethiopia defeats warlord Wube Haile Maryam of Semien. W

1863 HMS Orpheus sinks off the coast of Auckland. W

1900 Second Boer War: British troops fail in their third attempt to lift the Siege of Ladysmith. W


On 7 February 1941 at Keren, Eritrea, Subadar Richhpal Ram led a successful attack on the enemy and subsequently repelled six counter-attacks and then, without a shot left, brought the few survivors of his company back. Five days later, when leading another attack, his right foot was blown off, but he continued to encourage his men until he died.

The official citation for the award, published in The London Gazette on 4 July 1941 reads:

The KING has been graciously pleased to approve of the posthumous award of the Victoria Cross to the undermentioned: —
Subadar Richpal Ram, 6th Rajputana Rifles, Indian Army.
During the assault on enemy positions in front of Keren, Eritrea, on the night of 7-8th February, 1941, Subadar Richpal Ram, who was second-in-command of a leading company, insisted on accompanying the forward platoon and led its attack on the first objective with great dash and gallantry. His company commander being then wounded, he assumed command of the company, and led the attack of the remaining two platoons to the final objective. In face of heavy fire, some thirty men with this officer at their head rushed the objective with the bayonet and captured it. The party was completely isolated, but under the inspiring leadership of Subadar Richpal Ram, it beat back six enemy counter-attacks between midnight and 0430 hours. By now, ammunition had run out, and this officer extricated his command and fought his way back to his battalion with a handful of survivors through the surrounding enemy.
Again, in the attack on the same position on 12th February, this officer led the attack of his company. He pressed on fearlessly and determinedly in the face of heavy and accurate fire, and by his personal example inspired his company with his resolute spirit until his right foot was blown off. He then suffered further wounds from which he died. While lying wounded he continued to wave his men on, and his final words were " We'll capture the objective ".
The heroism, determination and devotion to duty shown by this officer were beyond praise, and provided an inspiration to all who saw him.  


 1943 Imperial Japanese Navy forces complete the evacuation of Imperial Japanese Army troops from Guadalcanal during Operation Ke W

1944 In Anzio, Italy, German forces launch a counteroffensive during the Allied Operation Shingle. W

1951 Korean War: More than 700 suspected communist sympathizers are massacred by South Korean forces. W

1963 A Hawker P1127 made the first touch and go  VTOL ever on HMS Ark Royal

Friday 4 February 2022

On This Day in Military History 4 February


1670 Battle of Sinhagad, Shivaji commander Tanaji Malusare recaptures fort of Sinhagad 1

1810  Commodore Fahie Of the British Royal Navy attacked the undefended town of Basse-Terre, landing with a force of Royal Marines and capturing the town W  1

1874 The Battle of OrdashuAshanti (now Ghana

1874 Colonel Mark Sever BellVCCB (15 May 1843 – 26 June 1906) was an English recipient of the Victoria Cross,

For his distinguished bravery, and zealous, resolute, and self-devoted conduct at the battle of Ordahsu, on the 4th February, 1874, whilst serving under the immediate orders of Colonel Sir John Chetham McLeod, K.C.B., of the 42nd Regiment, who commanded the Advanced Guard. Sir John McLeod was an eye witness of his gallant find distinguished conduct on the occasion, and considers that this Officer's fearless and resolute bearing, being always in the front, urging on and encouraging an unarmed working party of Fantee labourers, who were exposed not only to the fire of the Enemy, but to the wild and irregular fire of the Native Troops in the rear, contributed very materially to the success of the day. By his example, he made these men do what no European party was ever required to do in warfare, namely, to work under fire in the face of the Enemy without a covering party

1917   Henry William "Harry" MurrayVCCMGDSO & BarDCM Was  awarded the Victoria Cross for his actions on  4th and 5th  February 1917

His Majesty the KING has been graciously pleased to approve of the award of the Victoria Cross to the undermentioned Officer and Non-Commissioned Officer: –

Capt. Henry William Murray, D.S.O., Aus. infy.

For most conspicuous bravery when in command of the right flank company in attack. He led his company to the assault with great skill and courage, and the position was quickly captured. Fighting of a very severe nature followed, and three heavy counter-attacks were beaten back, these successes being due to Captain Murray's wonderful work.

Throughout the night his company suffered heavy casualties through concentrated enemy shell fire, and on one occasion gave ground for a short way. This gallant officer rallied his command and saved the situation by sheer valour.

He made his presence felt throughout the line, encouraging his men, heading bombing parties, leading bayonet charges, and carrying wounded to places of safety.

His magnificent example inspired his men throughout.

1941 British tanks occupy Maus, Libya  1

1942 Clinton Pierce becomes 1st US general wounded in action in WW II  1

1944 US 7th Infantry Division captures Kwajalein, in the Pacific 1

1947  Wing Commander Hubert Dinwoodie, Awarded the George Cross.

Awarded the George Cross on 4 February 1947, the citation in the London Gazette praised Dinwoodie for displaying

...cold-blooded heroism and initiative in extremely critical circumstances. He was ably assisted by Corporal Garred who showed courage and devotion to duty of a very high order. Although both were aware that they were in great personal danger, they completed a task which probably averted a serious disaster to the port of Lubeck.


Corporal  Garred was awarded the George Medal.

The KING has been graciously pleased to approve the following awards of the GEORGE CROSS, George Medal and British Empire Medal (Military Division) to the undermentioned: — Awarded the GEORGE CROSS: — Squadron Leader Hubert DINWOODIE, O.B.E., M.C. (72819), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, No. 5140 (Bomib Disposal) Squadron. Awarded the George Medal. 1805558 Corporal Roland Norman GAKRED, B.E.M., Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, No. 5140 (Bomb Disposal) Squadron. Awarded the British Empire Medal (Military Division).

1947 1652249 Leading Aircraftman John William HATTOW, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, No. 5140 (Bomb Disposal) Squadron Awarded the British Empire Medal.

Thursday 3 February 2022

On This Day in Military History 3 February

1807 Battle of Montevideo A British military force, under Brigadier-General Sir Samuel Auchmuty 1 captures the city of Montevideo

1901 Dutch troops under Gen Van Heutsz conquer Batu Ilië on Sumatra 1

1915 Turkish & German army reach Suez Canal 1

1943 Hugh Randall Syme was awarded the George Cross for defusing mines

1944 World War II: United States troops capture the Marshall Islands. 1

1945 Almost 1,000 Flying Fortresses drop 3,000 tons of bombs on Berlin 1

1989 Military coup overthrows Alfredo Stroessner, dictator of Paraguay  1

2010 First Female Pilot to Fly F-16I (Sufa) Aircraft  Flickr

Wednesday 2 February 2022

On This Day In Military History 2 February

 1141 Battle of Lincoln: King Stephen captured by forces loyal to Empress Matilda and commanded by Robert, 1st Earl of Gloucester 1

1461 Battle of Mortimer's Cross  a major battle of the War of the Roses 1

1894 US warship Kearsarge wrecked on Roncador Reef, near Solomon Island 1

1901 Female Army Nurse Corps established as a permanent organization 1

1901 Mexican government troops are ambushed by Yaqui Indians 1

1943 German 6th Army surrenders after Battle of Stalingrad 1

1944 4th US marine division conquers Roi, Marshall Islands 1

1944 Allied troops 1st set foot on Japanese territory 1

Tuesday 1 February 2022

On this Day in Military History 1st February

1793 – French Revolutionary Wars: France declares war on the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. W

1861 American Civil War: Texas secedes from the United States and joins the Confederacy a week later. W

1864 – Second Schleswig War: Prussian forces crossed the border into Schleswig, starting the war. W

1900 – Great Britain, defeated by Boers in key battles, has named Lord Roberts commander of British forces in South Africa. W

1915 Michael O'Leary was awarded the Victoria Cross for his actions this day. 

No. 3556 Lance-Corporal Michael O'Leary, 1st Battalion, Irish Guards

For conspicuous bravery at Cuinchy on the 1st February, 1915. When forming one of the storming party which advanced against the enemy's barricades he rushed to the front and himself killed five Germans who were holding the first barricade, after which he attacked a second barricade, about 60 yards further on, which he captured, after killing three of the enemy and making prisoners of two more. Lance-Corporal O'Leary thus practically captured the enemy's position by himself and prevented the attacking party from being fired upon.

The London Gazette, 16 February 1915

 1917 German Grand Admiral Alfred von Tirpitz announces unrestricted submarine warfare against allied shipping

1940 Soviet Union begins new offensive against Finland

1941  Second Lieutenant (King's Commissioned Indian Officer) in the Corps of Indian EngineersIndian Army, attd. Royal Bombay Sappers and Miners during the Second World War when the following deed took place for which he was awarded the Victoria Cross:

His Majesty The KING has been graciously pleased to approve of the award of the Victoria Cross to the undermentioned officer: —

Second-Lieutenant Premindra Singh Bhagat, Corps of Indian Engineers (serving with Royal Bombay Sappers and Miners).

For most conspicuous gallantry on active service in the Middle East. During the pursuit of the enemy following the capture of Metemma on the night 31 January – 1 February 1941, Second-Lieutenant Bhagat was in command of a section of a Field Company, Sappers and Miners, detailed to accompany the leading mobile troops (Bren Carriers) to clear the road and adjacent areas of mines. For a period of four days and over a distance of 55 miles this officer in the leading carrier led the Column. During this period, he himself detected and personally supervised the clearing of no less than 15 minefields of varying dimensions. Speed being essential, he worked at high pressure from dawn to dusk each day. On two occasions when his carrier was blown up with casualties to others, and on a third occasion when ambushed and under close enemy fire he himself carried straight on with his task. He refused relief when worn out with strain and fatigue and with one eardrum punctured by an explosion, on the grounds that he was now better qualified to continue his task to the end.

His coolness, persistence over a period of 96 hours, and gallantry, not only in battle, but throughout the long period when the safety of the Column and the speed at which it could advance were dependent on his personal efforts, were of the highest order. — London Gazette: 10 June 1941   W

1942 – World War II: U.S. Navy conducts Marshalls–Gilberts raids, the first offensive action by the United States against Japanese forces in the Pacific Theater. W

1944 US 7th Infantry/4th Marine Division lands on Kwajalein/Roi/Namur

1945 US Army arrives at Siegfriedlinie

1998 – Rear Admiral Lillian E. Fishburne becomes the first female African American to be promoted to rear admiral. W

Today in Military History September 12

1897 21 Sikh soldiers of the Army of British India  where killed at  Saragarhi hill fort