Sunday 30 January 2022

This Day in Military History January 30th

 1467 Battle at Velke Kostolany: Hung king Mátyás Corvinus beats Bratrici

1522  Duke of Albany takes captured French back to Scotland

1648 Spain & Netherlands sign Peace of Munster, ending the Thirty Years' War

1911 The Canadian Naval Service becomes the Royal Canadian Navy

1915 German submarine attack on Le Havr

1941 Australian troops conquer Derna, Libya

1942 Japanese troops land on Ambon

1943  British Mosquitos bomb Berlin in daylight

          German assault on French in Tunisia

           USS Chicago sinks in Pacific Ocean

1944 World War II: United States troops land on Majuro

           The Battle of Cisterna begins in central Italy

1945 Wilhelm Gustloff" torpedoed off Danzig by Soviet sub-c 9,400 die

          American Rangers and Filipino resistance fighters liberate over 500 Allied POWs from         Japanese at Cabanatuan

1964 Military coup of Gen Nguyen Khanh in South Vietnam

1968 Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese launch the Tet offensive against South Vietnames and US forces

1972 Bloody Sunday: 27 unarmed civilians are shot (14 are killed) by the British Army during a civil rights march in Derry, Northern Ireland.

1991 Iraqi troops gain control of Al Khafji inside the Saudi Arabian border

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Today in Military History September 12

1897 21 Sikh soldiers of the Army of British India  where killed at  Saragarhi hill fort