Friday 28 January 2022

This Day in Military History 28 January


1757 Ahmed Shah, the first King of Afghanistan, occupies Delhi and annexes the Punjab.1

1792 Rebellious slaves in Santo Domingo launch an attack on the city of Cap1

1871 Surrounded by Prussian troops and suffering from famine, the French army in Paris surrenders.1 During the siege, balloons were used to keep contact with the outside world


Private Doogan
On 28 January 1881 at the Battle of Laing's Nek, South Africa, during the charge of the mounted men, Private Doogan saw that Major William Vesey Brownlow, KDG, had had his horse shot from under him and was dismounted among the Boers. Doogan rode up and, in spite of being severely wounded himself, dismounted and insisted on Major Brownlow taking his horse, receiving another wound while doing so. W

Alan Richard Hill

 "For gallant conduct at the action of Laing's Nek on the 28th January, 1881, in having, after the retreat was ordered, remained behind and endeavoured to carry out of action Lieutenant Baillie, of the same Corps, who was lying on the ground severely wounded. Being unable to lift that officer into the saddle, he carried him in his arms until Lieutenant Baillie was shot dead. Lieutenant Hill then brought a wounded man out of action on his horse, after which he returned and rescued another. All these acts being performed under a heavy fire w

1901  William James HardhamVC (31 July 1876 – 13 April 1928)

On 28 January 1901, near Naauwpoort, this Non-Commissioned Officer was with a section which was extended and hotly engaged with a party of about 20 Boers. Just before the force commenced to retire Trooper McCrae was wounded and his horse killed. Farrier- Major Hardham at once went under a heavy fire to his assistance, dismounted and placed him on his own horse, and ran alongside until he had guided him to a place of safety.

— The London Gazette, No. 27362, 4 October 1901

1915 The German navy attacks the U.S. freighter William P. Frye, loaded with wheat for Britain.1

1932 The Japanese attack Shanghai, China, and declare martial law.1

1941 French General Charles DEGaulle's Free French forces sack south Libya oasis.1

1964 The Soviets down a U.S. jet over East Germany killing three.1

1970 Israeli fighter jets attack the suburbs of Cairo.1

1973 A cease fire starts at 08:00 hrs local time in Vietnam 1

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Today in Military History September 12

1897 21 Sikh soldiers of the Army of British India  where killed at  Saragarhi hill fort