Wednesday 11 August 2021

Today in Military History August 11th

 11th August 490 – Battle of Adda.

11th August 1304 Sea battle of Zierikzee, Franco-Holland forces defeat Flemish fleet.

11th August 1473 The Battle of Otlukbeli.

11th August 1674 1st Battle of at Seneffe.

11th August 1695 English and Dutch fleet capture Dunkirk.

11th August 1718 Battle of Cape Passaro: British fleet destroys Spanish off Sicily.

11 August 1917  

15805 Private Arnold LOOSEMORE 8th Battalion, The Duke of Wellington’s (West Riding) Regiment

For most conspicuous bravery and initiative during the attack on a strongly held enemy position south of Langemarck, Flanders on 11th August, 1917.

His platoon having been checked by heavy machine-gun fire, he crawled through partially-cut wire, dragging his Lewis gun with him, and single handed dealt with a strong part of the enemy killing about twenty of them and thus covering the consolidation of the position taken up by his platoon, immediately afterwards his Lewis gun was blown up by a bomb and three of the enemy rushed for him, but he shot them all with his revolver.

Later, he shot several enemy snipers, exposing himself to heavy fire each time.  On returning to the original post he also brought back a wounded comrade under heavy fire at the risk of his life.  He displayed throughout an utter disregard of danger.

(London Gazette, 14th of September 1917) and Duke of Wellington's Regiment

11th August 1942 British aircraft carrier HMS Eagle torpedoed and sunk.

11th August 1943 Red Army recaptures Tchukujev.

11th August 1944 French 5th Armour division recaptures Sées.

11th August 1982 The South African Defence Force (SADF) raids Southern Angola.

11th August 1990 Egypt & Morocco troops land in Saudi Arabia to prevent Iraqi invasion.

11th August 2003 NATO takes over command of the peacekeeping force in Afghanistan.

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Today in Military History September 12

1897 21 Sikh soldiers of the Army of British India  where killed at  Saragarhi hill fort