Saturday 29 June 2019

Today in Military History June 29

June 29 1149 Raymond of Poitiers is defeated and killed at the Battle of Inab by Nur ad-Din Zangi.

June 29 1444 Skanderbeg defeats an Ottoman invasion force at Torvioll.

June 29 1644 Charles I of England defeats a Parliamentarian detachment at the Battle of Cropredy Bridge.

June 29 1659 The Russians, led by Prince Trubetskoy are defeated by the Ukrainian armies of Ivan Vyhovsky in the Battle of Konotop.

June 29 1807 Russo-Turkish War: Admiral Dmitry Senyavin destroys the Ottoman fleet in the Battle of Athos.

June 29 1857 Battle at Chinhat (Indies rebel under Barkat Ahmed beat British)

June 29 1863 Confederate General Robert Lee orders his forces to concentrate near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania   

June 29 1880 France annexes Tahiti.

June 29 1943 Germany begins withdrawing U-boats from North Atlantic in anticipation of the Allied invasion of Europe

June 29 1944 German counter attack at Caen

June 29 1944 Soviet Armies join in Bobroesjk

June 29 1949 US troops withdraw from Korea after WW II

June 29 1950 Korean War: U.S. President Harry S. Truman authorizes a sea blockade of Korea.

June 29 1952 USS Oriskany becomes 1st aircraft carrier to sail around Cape Horn

June 29 1966 Vietnam War: US planes bomb the North Vietnamese capital Hanoi and the port city of Haiphong for the first time

June 29 1970 US ends 2 month military offensive into Cambodia

June 29 1974 Military coup in Ethiopia

June 29 1994 US reopens Guantanamo Naval Base to process refugees

June 29 2002  Naval clashes between South Korea and North Korea lead to the death of six South Korean sailors and sinking of a North Korean vessel.

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Today in Military History September 12

1897 21 Sikh soldiers of the Army of British India  where killed at  Saragarhi hill fort