Friday 10 May 2019

Today in Military History May 10th

 May 10 AD 70    Siege of Jerusalem: Titus, son of emperor Vespasian, opens a full-scale assault on Jerusalem and attacks the city's Third Wall to the northwest.

May 10  1655    England, with troops under the command of Admiral William Penn and General Robert Venables, annexes Jamaica from Spain.

May 10 1775     American Revolutionary War: A small Colonial militia led by Ethan Allen and Colonel Benedict Arnold captures Fort Ticonderoga.

May 10 1775   American Revolutionary War: Representatives from the Thirteen Colonies begin the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia.

May 10 1796    War of the First Coalition: Napoleon I of France wins a victory against Austrian forces at Lodi bridge over the Adda River in Italy. The Austrians lose some 2,000 men.

May 10 1801    First Barbary War: The Barbary pirates of Tripoli declare war on the United States of America.

May 10 1857     Indian Rebellion of 1857: In India, the first war of Independence begins. Sepoys mutiny against their commanding officers at Meerut.

May 10 1864    American Civil War: Colonel Emory Upton leads a 10-regiment "Attack-in-depth" assault against the Confederate works at The Battle of Spotsylvania, which, though ultimately unsuccessful, would provide the idea for the massive assault against the Bloody Angle on May 12. Upton is slightly wounded but is immediately promoted to brigadier general.

May 10 1865    American Civil War: In Kentucky, Union soldiers ambush and mortally wound Confederate raider William Quantrill, who lingers until his death on June 6.
May 10 1915     Zeppelin drops hundred of bombs on Southend-on-Sea, Essex, England
May 10 1917     Atlantic ships get destroyer escorts to stop German attacks

May 19 1918      HMS Vindictive sunk to block entrance of Ostend Harbor

May 10 1933      Paraguay declares war on Bolivia

May 10 1940   World War II: German fighters accidentally bomb the German city of Freiburg.

May 10 1940    World War II: German raids on British shipping convoys and military airfields begin.

May 10 1940    World War II: Germany invades Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.

May 10 1940    World War II: Winston Churchill is appointed Prime Minister of the United Kingdom following the resignation of Neville Chamberlain.

May 10 1940    World War II: Invasion of Iceland by the United Kingdom.

May 10 1941    World War II: The House of Commons in London is damaged by the Luftwaffe in an #air raid
May 10 1941    World War II: Rudolf Hess parachutes into Scotland to try to negotiate a peace deal between the United Kingdom and Nazi Germany

May 10 1942    World War II: The Thai Phayap Army invades the Shan States during the Burma Campaign.

May 10 1945     Soviet troops occupied Prague

May 10 1946    First successful launch of an American V-2 rocket at White Sands Proving Ground.

May 10 1959     Soviet forces arrive in Afghanistan

May 10 1969    Vietnam War: The Battle of Dong Ap Bia begins with an assault on Hill 937. It will ultimately become known as Hamburger Hill.

May 10 1996     2 US Marine helicopters collided during joint US & British war games

May 10 2019      Two French soldiers were killed Over Night  in an operation to rescue four hostages in the Sahel region of Africa

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Today in Military History September 12

1897 21 Sikh soldiers of the Army of British India  where killed at  Saragarhi hill fort