Thursday 10 March 2022

Today in Military History 10 March

 241 BC First Punic War: Battle of the Aegates Islands - The Romans sink the Carthaginian fleet bringing the First Punic War to an end

1735 An agreement between Nadir Shah and Paul I of Russia is signed near Ganja and Russian troops are withdrawn from Baku

1783 USS Alliance under Captain Barry fights and wins last naval battle of US Revolutionary War off Cape Canaveral

1831 The French Foreign Legion is established by King Louis-Philippe to support his war in Algeria

1861 West African political leader El Hadj Umar Tall seizes the city of Segou, destroying the Bambara Empire of Mali

1865 Battle of Monroe's Crossroads, North Carolina

1900 Battle of Driefontein, South Africa, British offensive against the Boers, who are forced to withdraw

1905 Japanese Army captures Mukden (Shenyang)

1915 British Army captures Neuve Chapelle, Belgium

1915  For his actions this day Gabar Singh Negiwas Awarded the Victoria Cross

For most conspicuous bravery on 10th March, 1915, at Neuve Chapelle. During our attack on the German position he was one of a bayonet party with bombs who entered their main trench, and was the first man to go round each traverse, driving back the enemy until they were eventually forced to surrender. He was killed during this engagement.

— London Gazette, 28 April 1915

1917 Captain Oswald Austin Reid  was awarded the Victoria Cross for his actions between  7th -10th March 

Captain Oswald Austin Reid King's Liverpool Regiment attached Loyal North Lancashire Regiment

For most conspicuous bravery in the face of desperate circumstances.

By his dauntless courage and gallant leadership he was able to consolidate a small post with the advanced troops, on the opposite side of a river to the main body, after the lines of communication had been cut by the sinking of pontoons.

he maintained his position for 30 hours against constant attacks by bombs machine guns and shell fire, with the full knowledge that repeated attempts at relief had failed, and that his ammunition was all but exhausted.

It was greatly due to his tenacity that the passage of the river was effected on the following night.

During the operations he was wounded. W

1917 For his action on the 10 March Archibald Bisset Smith, was awarded the Victoria Cross

For most conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty when in command of the S.S. "Otaki", on the 10th March 1917. "At about 2.30 p.m. on 10th March 1917, the S.S."Otaki", whose armament consisted of one 4.7 in. gun for defensive purposes sighted the disguised German raider "Möwe", which was armed with four 5.9 in., one 4.1 in. and two 22 pdr. guns, and two torpedo tubes. The "Möwe" kept the "Otaki" under observation for some time and finally called upon her to stop. This Lieutenant Smith refused to do, and a duel ensued at ranges of 1,900–2,000 yards and lasted for about 20 minutes. During this action the "Otaki" scored several hits on the "Möwe", causing considerable damage, and starting a fire which lasted for three days. She sustained several casualties and received much damage herself, and was heavily on fire. Lieutenant Smith, therefore, gave orders for the boats to be lowered to allow the crew to be rescued. He remained on the ship himself and went down with her when she sank with the British colours still flying, after what was described in an enemy account as "a duel as gallant as naval history can relate. W

1918 For his actions this day Harold Edward Whitfield was awarded the Victoria Cross

    On 10 March 1918 at Burj El Lisaneh, Egypt, during the first of three counter-attacks made by the enemy on the position which had just been captured by his battalion, Private Whitfield, single-handed, charged and captured a Lewis gun, killed the whole gun team of three and turned the gun on the enemy, driving them back with heavy casualties. Later he organised and led a bombing attack on the enemy, again inflicting many casualties and by establishing his party in their position saved many lives and materially assisted in the defeat of the counter-attack.[

1945 Germany blows up Wessel Bridge on Rhine

1945 Patton's 3rd Army makes contact with Hodge's 1st Army

1945 Tokyo in fire after night time B-29 bombings, more than 100,000 people die, mostly civilians

1952 Military coup led by General Fulgencio Batista in Cuba

1960 USSR agrees to stop nuclear testing

1966 North Vietnamese capture US Green Beret Camp at Ashau Valley

1968 North Vietnamese and communist Laotion troops overrun a secret US radar facility, Lima Site 85, on a Laos mountaintop

1972 USSR performs nuclear test at Eastern Kazakh/Semipalitinsk USSR

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Today in Military History September 12

1897 21 Sikh soldiers of the Army of British India  where killed at  Saragarhi hill fort