Thursday 22 September 2022

Today in Military History 22nd September

 904   The warlord Zhu Quanzhong kills Emperor Zhaozong, the penultimate emperor of the Tang dynasty, after seizing control of the imperial government. W

1236   The Samogitians defeat the Livonian Brothers of the Sword in the Battle of Saule. W

1499   The Treaty of Basel concludes the Swabian War. W

1586   The Battle of Zutphen is a Spanish victory over the English and Dutch. W

1711   The Tuscarora War begins in present-day North Carolina. W

1789   Battle of Rymnik: Alexander Suvorov's Russian and allied army defeats superior Ottoman Empire forces. W

1857   The Russian warship Lefort capsizes and sinks during a storm in the Gulf of Finland, killing all 826 aboard. W

1866   The Battle of Curupayty is Paraguay's only significant victory in the Paraguayan War.W

1939   World War II: A joint German–Soviet military parade in Brest-Litovsk is held to celebrate the successful invasion of Poland.W

For his actions this day Captain the Honourable A.G. A. Hore-Ruthven, 3rd Battalion, Highland Light Infantry did received the Victoria Cross

The Queen has been graciously pleased to signify Her intention to confer the decoration of the Victoria Cross on the undermentioned Officer, whose claims have been submitted for Her Majesty's approval, for his conspicuous bravery during the attack on the Baggage Guard at the action of Gedarif on the 22nd September 1898, as recorded against his name: On the 22nd September 1898, Captain Hore-Ruthven, seeing an Egyptian officer lying wounded within 50 yards of the advancing Dervishes, who were firing and charging, picked him up and carried him towards the 16th Egyptian Battalion. He dropped the wounded officer two or three times and fired upon the Dervishes, who were following, to check their advance. Had the officer been left where he first dropped, he must have been killed W


For his actions this day Reginald Roy Inwood was Awarded the Victoria Cross

For most conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty during the advance to the second objective. He moved forward through our barrage alone to an enemy strong post and captured it, together with nine prisoners, killing several of the enemy. During the evening he volunteered for a special all night patrol, which went out 600 yards in front of our line, and there – by his coolness and sound judgment – obtained and sent back very valuable information as to the enemy's movements. In the early morning of the 21 September, Private Inwood located a machine gun which was causing several casualties. He went out alone and bombed the gun and team, killing all but one, whom he brought in as a prisoner with the gun.

— The London Gazette, 23 November 1917


For his actions this day Commander Donald Cameron and Lieutenant Donald Cameron, was awarded the Victoria Cross


Whitehall. 22nd February, 1944.

The KING has been graciously pleased to approve the award of the VICTORIA CROSS for valour to:

Lieutenant Basil Charles Godfrey Place, D.S.C., Royal Navy.

Lieutenant Donald Cameron, R.N.R.

Lieutenants Place and Cameron were the Commanding Officers of two of His Majesty's Midget Submarines X 7 and X 6 which on 22nd September 1943 carried out a most daring and successful attack on the German Battleship Tirpitz, moored in the protected anchorage of Kaafiord, North Norway.

To reach the anchorage necessitated the penetration of an enemy minefield and a passage of fifty miles up the fiord, known to be vigilantly patrolled by the enemy and to be guarded by nets, gun defences and listening posts, this after a passage of at least a thousand miles from base.

Having successfully eluded all these hazards and entered the fleet anchorage, Lieutenants Place and Cameron, with a complete disregard for danger, worked their small craft past the close anti-submarine and torpedo nets surrounding the Tirpitz, and from a position inside these nets, carried out a cool and determined attack.

Whilst they were still inside the nets a fierce enemy counter attack by guns and depth charges developed which made their withdrawal impossible. Lieutenants Place and Cameron therefore scuttled their craft to prevent them falling into the hands of the enemy. Before doing so they took every measure to ensure the safety of their crews, the majority of whom, together with themselves, were subsequently taken prisoner.

In the course of the operation these very small craft pressed home their attack to the full, in doing so accepting all the dangers inherent in such vessels and facing every possible hazard which ingenuity could devise for the protection in harbour of vitally important Capital Ships.

The courage, endurance and utter contempt for danger in the immediate face of the enemy shown by Lieutenants Place and Cameron during this determined and successful attack were supreme.


1965   The Indo-Pakistani War of 1965 between India and Pakistan over Kashmir, ends after the United Nations calls for a ceasefire. W

1980   Iraq invades Iran, sparking the nearly eight year Iran–Iraq War. W


1995   An E-3B AWACS crashes outside Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska after multiple bird strikes to two of the four engines soon after takeoff; all 24 on board are killed. v

Thursday 1 September 2022

Today in Military History 2nd September

 31BC  Final War of the Roman Republic: Battle of Actium: Off the western coast of Greece, forces of Octavian defeat troops under Mark Antony and Cleopatra.[3]

1649  The Italian city of Castro is completely destroyed by the forces of Pope Innocent X, ending the Wars of Castro.

1807  Napoleonic Wars: The British Royal Navy bombards Copenhagen with fire bombs and phosphorus rockets to prevent Denmark from surrendering its fleet to Napoleon.

1856  The Tianjing incident takes place in Nanjing, China.

1862  American Civil War: United States President Abraham Lincoln reluctantly restores Union General George B. McClellan to full command after General John Pope's disastrous defeat at the Second Battle of Bull Run.

1864  American Civil War: Union forces enter Atlanta, a day after the Confederate defenders flee the city, ending the Atlanta Campaign.

1870  Franco Prussian War: Battle of Sedan: Prussian forces take Napoleon III of France and 100,000 of his soldiers prisoner.

1898  Battle of Omdurman: British and Egyptian troops defeat Sudanese tribesmen and establish British dominance in Sudan.

1898 Thomas Byrne,

At the Battle of Khartoum on the 2nd September 1898, Private Byrne turned back in the middle of the charge of the 21st Lancers and went to the assistance of Lieutenant the Honourable R.F. Molyneux, Royal Horse Guards, who was wounded, dismounted, disarmed, and being attacked by several Dervishes. Private Byrne, already severely wounded, attacked those dervishes, received a second severe wound, and, by his gallant conduct, enabled Lieutenant Molyneux to escape

 Raymond De Montmorency,

'At the Battle of Khartum on the 2nd September 1898, Lieutenant de Montmorency, after the charge of the 21st Lancers, returned to assist Second Lieutenant R. G. Grenfell, who was lying surrounded by a large body of Dervishes. Lieutenant de Montmorency drove the Dervishes off, and, finding Lieutenant Grenfell dead, put the body on his horse which then broke away. Captain Kenna and Corporal Swarbrick then came to his assistance, and enabled him to re join, the Regiment, which had begun to open a heavy fire on the enemy.

 Paul Kenna,

On 2 September 1898, at the Battle of OmdurmanSudan, when a major of the 21st Lancers was in danger, as his horse had been shot in the charge, Captain Kenna took the major up on his own horse, to a place of safety. After the charge Captain Kenna returned to help Lieutenant De Montmorency who was trying to recover the body of an officer who had been killed

 Nevill Smyth, 

At the Battle of Khartum on 2 September 1898, Captain Smyth galloped forward and attacked an arab who had run amok among some camp followers. Captain Smyth received the Arab's charge, and killed him, being wounded with a spear in the arm whilst in so doing. He thus saved the life of at least one of the Camp Followers

Alexander Hore-Rithven 

On the 22nd September, 1898, during the action of Gedarif, Captain Hore-Ruthven, seeing an Egyptian officer lying wounded within 50 yards of the advancing Dervishes, who were firing and charging, picked him up and carried him towards the 16th Egyptian Battalion. He dropped the wounded officer two or three times, and fired upon the Dervishes, who were following, to check their advance. Had the officer been left where he first dropped he must have been killed.

where awarded the Victoria Cross for There actions this day actions this day 

1939  World War II: Following the start of the invasion of Poland the previous day, the Free City of Danzig (now Gdańsk, Poland) is annexed by Nazi Germany.

1944  The last execution of a Finn in Finland takes place when soldier Olavi Laiho is executed by shooting in Oulu.[7]

1945  World War II: The Japanese Instrument of Surrender is signed by Japan and the major warring powers aboard the battleship USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay.

1958  A USAF RC130 is shot down by fighters over Armenia when it strays into Soviet airspace while conducting a sigint mission. All crew members are killed.

1968  Operation OAU begins during the Nigerian Civil War.

1985  Sri Lankan Civil War: Sri Lankan Tamil politicians and former MPs M. Alalasundaram and V. Dharmalingam are shot dead.

Today in Military History 1st September


1644  Battle of Tippermuir: James Graham, 1st Marquess of Montrose defeats the Earl of Wemyss's Covenanters, reviving the Royalist cause. W

1645  English Civil War. Scottish Covenanter forces abandon their month-long Siege of Hereford, a Cavalier stronghold, on news of Royalist victories in Scotland. W

1862 American Civil War: Battle of Chantilly: Confederate Army troops defeat a group of retreating Union Army troops in Chantilly, Virginia. W

1864  American Civil War: The Confederate Army General John Bell Hood orders the evacuation of Atlanta, ending a four-month siege by General William Tecumseh Sherman. W

1870  Franco-Prussian War: The Battle of Sedan is fought, resulting in a decisive Prussian victory. W

1880 The army of Mohammad Ayub Khan is routed by the British at the Battle of Kandahar, ending the Second Anglo-Afghan War. W

1939  World War II: Nazi Germany and Slovakia invade Poland, beginning the European phase of World War II. W

1969  A coup in Libya brings Muammar Gaddafi to power. W

1982  The United States Air Force Space Command is founded W

1983  Cold War: Korean Air Lines Flight 007 is shot down by a Soviet Union jet fighter when the commercial aircraft enters Soviet airspace, killing all 269 on board, including Congressman Lawrence McDonald. W

2008  Iraq War: The United States Armed Forces transfers control of Anbar Province to the Iraqi Armed Forces. W

Friday 22 April 2022

Military hardware sent to Ukraine by the United States.

 A Fact sheet issued by the white house released on the 21st April 2022 the Unites States a further $800 Million of Military equipment to be sent to the Ukraine.

------   This package includes heavy artillery weapons — dozens of Howitzers — and 144,000 rounds of ammunition to go with those Howitzers.  It also includes more tactical drones. ------

this is in addition to the pervious shipments to what has already been sent.

  • 800 Stinger anti-aircraft systems;
  • 2,000 Javelin, 1,000 light anti-armor weapons, and 6,000 AT-4 anti-armor systems;
  • 100 Tactical Unmanned Aerial Systems;
  • 100 grenade launchers, 5,000 rifles, 1,000 pistols, 400 machine guns, and 400 shotguns;
  • Over 20 million rounds of small arms ammunition and grenade launcher and mortar rounds;
  • 25,000 sets of body armor; and
  • 25,000 helmets.
  • Over 600 Stinger anti-aircraft systems;
  • Approximately 2,600 Javelin anti-armor systems;
  • Five Mi-17 helicopters;
  • Three patrol boats;
  • Four counter-artillery and counter-unmanned aerial system tracking radars;
  • Four counter-mortar radar systems;
  • 200 grenade launchers and ammunition;
  • 200 shotguns and 200 machine guns;
  • Nearly 40 million rounds of small arms ammunition and over 1 million grenade, mortar, and artillery rounds;
  • 70 High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles (HMMWVs) and other vehicles;
  • Secure communications, electronic warfare detection systems, body Armor, helmets, and other tactical gear;
  • Military medical equipment to support treatment and combat evacuation;
  • Explosive ordnance disposal and demining equipment;
  • Satellite imagery and analysis capability.


Monday 14 March 2022

Today in Military History 13 March

1074 Battle of Mogyoród Dukes Géza and Ladislaus defeat their cousin Solomon, King of Hungary, forcing him to flee to Hungary's western borderland.

1590 Battle of Ivry Henry of Navarre and the Huguenots defeat the forces of the Catholic League under Charles, Duke of Mayenne, during the French Wars of Religion.

1647 Thirty Years War: Bavaria, Cologne, France and Sweden sign the Truce of Ulm.

1674 The Third Anglo-Dutch War The Battle of Ronas Voe results in the Dutch East India Company ship Wapen van Rotterdam being captured with a death toll of up to 300 Dutch crew and soldiers.

1757 Admiral Sir John Byng is executed by firing squad aboard HMS Monarch for breach of the Articles of War. 

1780 American Revolutionary War Spanish forces capture Fort Charlotte in Mobile, Alabama, the last British frontier post capable of threatening New Orleans.

1884  at the Battle of Tamai, Sudan, when both members of the crew of one of the Gatling guns had been killed, Private Edwards, after bayoneting two Arabs and himself receiving a wound from a spear, remained with the gun, defending it throughout the action. His citation reads:

For the conspicuous bravery displayed by him in defence of one of the guns of the Naval Brigade, at the battle of Tamai, on 13th March, 1884. This man (who was attached to the Naval Brigade as Mule Driver) was beside the gun with Lieutenant Almack,.R.N., and a blue jacket. Both the latter were killed, and Edwards, after bayonetting two Arabs, and himself receiving a wound with a spear, rejoined the ranks with his mules, and subsequently did good service in remaining by his gun throughout the action. w


1900 At dawn on the 13th March, 1900, the party that had destroyed the railway north of Bloemfontein had to charge through a Boer piquet and get over four deep spruits, in order to make their way back through the Boer lines. At the fourth spruit Sapper Webb's horse failed to get up the bank and he was left in a very dangerous position. In face of a very heavy rifle and shell fire, and, notwithstanding the great chance of being cut off, Sergeant Engleheart returned to Sapper Webb's assistance. It took some time to get the man and his horse out of the sluit and the position became momentarily more critical owing to the advance of the Boers. He was, however, at last successful, and, retiring slowly, to cover Webb's retreat, was able to get him safely back to the party. Shortly before this, Sergeant Engleheart had shown great gallantry in dashing into the first spruit, which could only be reached in single file and was still full of Boers hesitating whether to fly or fire. Had they been given time to rally, they must have destroyed the small party of British, as they outnumbered them by 4 to 1. w

1917  For his actions this day Christopher Cox VC

During the attack of his battalion (the 7th Bedfordshire Regiment) the front wave was checked by the severity of the enemy artillery and machine-gun fire, and the whole line had to take cover in shell holes to avoid annihilation.
Private Cox, utterly regardless of personal safety, went out into the open over fire-swept ground and single-handed rescued four men. Having collected the wounded of his own battalion, he then assisted to bring in the wounded of an adjoining battalion.
On the two subsequent days he carried out similar rescue work with the same disregard of his own safety. He has on all occasions displayed the same high example of unselfishness and valour.  See

1945 The R.A.F. drop the Grand Slam bomb in action for the first time, on a railway viaduct near Bielefeld, Germany.

1951 Korean War: United Nations troops recapture Seoul for the second time.

1961 A USAF B-52 bomber crashes near Yuba City, California whilst carrying nuclear weapons.

1978 The Israel Defense Forces launch Operation Litani, a seven-day campaign to invade and occupy southern Lebanon.

1988 In the Johnson South Reef Skirmish Chinese forces defeat Vietnamese forces in an altercation over control of one of the Spratly Islands.

Friday 11 March 2022

Today in Military History 11 March

 1641  Guaraní forces living in the Jesuit reductions defeat bandeirantes loyal to the Portuguese Empire at the Battle of Mbororé in present-day Panambí, Argentina

1649 The Frondeurs and the French sign the Peace of Rueil.

1708 Queen Anne withholds Royal Assent from the Scottish Militia Bill, the last time a British monarch vetoes legislation.

1784 The signing of the Treaty of Mangalore brings the Second Anglo-Mysore War to an end.

1795 The Battle of Kharda is fought between the Maratha Confederacy and the Nizam of Hyderabad, resulting in Maratha victory.

1858  For his actions this day Corporal William Nash was awarded the Victoria Cross

On 11 March 1858 at LucknowIndia, Corporal Nash's company was engaged with a large number of the enemy near the Iron Bridge. At one stage a captain (Henry Wilmot) found himself at the end of a street with only four of his men opposed to a considerable body of the enemy. One of the men was shot through both legs and Corporal Nash and a private (David Hawkes) (who was himself severely wounded) lifted the man up and they then carried him for a considerable distance, the captain covering the retreat of the party.   W


Rifle Brigade, 2nd Battalion. Captain (now Brevet-Major) Henry Wilmot

Date of Act of Bravery, 11th March, 1858

For conspicuous gallantry at Lucknow on the 11th March, 1858. Captain Wilmot's Company was engaged with a large body of the enemy, near the Iron Bridge. That officer found himself at the end of a street with only four of his men, opposed to a considerable body. One of the four was shot through both legs, and became utterly helpless: the two men lifted him up, and although Private Hawkes was severely wounded, he carried him for a considerable distance, exposed to the fire of the enemy, Captain Wilmot firing with the men's rifles, and covering the retreat of the party. Despatch of Brigadier-General Walpole, C.B., dated 20th of March, 1858

1917 Mesopotamian campaign: Baghdad falls to Anglo-Indian forces commanded by General Frederick Stanley Maude.

1945 The Imperial Japanese Navy attempts a large-scale kamikaze attack on the U.S. Pacific Fleet anchored at Ulithi atoll in Operation Tan No. 2

1946 Rudolf Höss, the first commandant of Auschwitz concentration camp, is captured by British troops.

Thursday 10 March 2022

Today in History March 4th

1238 The Battle of the Sit River is fought in the northern part of the present-day Yaroslavl Oblast of Russia between the Mongol hordes of Batu Khan and the Russians under Yuri II of Vladimir-Suzdal during the Mongol invasion of Rus'.

1665  English King Charles II declares war on the Netherlands marking the start of the Second Anglo-Dutch War.

1776  The Continental Army fortifies Dorchester Heights with cannon, leading the British troops to abandon the Siege of Boston.

1804  Castle Hill Rebellion: Irish convicts rebel against British colonial authority in the Colony of New South Wales.

1814  Americans defeat British forces at the Battle of Longwoods between London, Ontario and Thamesville, near present-day Wardsville, Ontario.

1913  First Balkan War: The Greek army engages the Turks at Bizani, resulting in victory two days later.

1941 The United Kingdom launches Operation Claymore on the Lofoten Islands; the first large scale British Commando raid.

1943 The Battle of the Bismarck Sea in the south-west Pacific comes to an end.

1943 The Battle of Fardykambos, one of the first major battles between the Greek Resistance and the occupying Royal Italian Army, begins. It ends on 6 March with the surrender of an entire Italian battalion and the liberation of the town of Grevena.[4]

1944  After the success of Big Week, the USAAF begins a daylight bombing campaign of Berlin.

2002  Afghanistan: Seven American Special Operations Forces soldiers and 200 Al-Qaeda Fighters are killed as American forces attempt to infiltrate the Shah-i-Kot Valley on a low-flying helicopter reconnaissance mission.

 2022  Russian \ Ukraine war 

Today in Military History 10 March

 241 BC First Punic War: Battle of the Aegates Islands - The Romans sink the Carthaginian fleet bringing the First Punic War to an end

1735 An agreement between Nadir Shah and Paul I of Russia is signed near Ganja and Russian troops are withdrawn from Baku

1783 USS Alliance under Captain Barry fights and wins last naval battle of US Revolutionary War off Cape Canaveral

1831 The French Foreign Legion is established by King Louis-Philippe to support his war in Algeria

1861 West African political leader El Hadj Umar Tall seizes the city of Segou, destroying the Bambara Empire of Mali

1865 Battle of Monroe's Crossroads, North Carolina

1900 Battle of Driefontein, South Africa, British offensive against the Boers, who are forced to withdraw

1905 Japanese Army captures Mukden (Shenyang)

1915 British Army captures Neuve Chapelle, Belgium

1915  For his actions this day Gabar Singh Negiwas Awarded the Victoria Cross

For most conspicuous bravery on 10th March, 1915, at Neuve Chapelle. During our attack on the German position he was one of a bayonet party with bombs who entered their main trench, and was the first man to go round each traverse, driving back the enemy until they were eventually forced to surrender. He was killed during this engagement.

— London Gazette, 28 April 1915

1917 Captain Oswald Austin Reid  was awarded the Victoria Cross for his actions between  7th -10th March 

Captain Oswald Austin Reid King's Liverpool Regiment attached Loyal North Lancashire Regiment

For most conspicuous bravery in the face of desperate circumstances.

By his dauntless courage and gallant leadership he was able to consolidate a small post with the advanced troops, on the opposite side of a river to the main body, after the lines of communication had been cut by the sinking of pontoons.

he maintained his position for 30 hours against constant attacks by bombs machine guns and shell fire, with the full knowledge that repeated attempts at relief had failed, and that his ammunition was all but exhausted.

It was greatly due to his tenacity that the passage of the river was effected on the following night.

During the operations he was wounded. W

1917 For his action on the 10 March Archibald Bisset Smith, was awarded the Victoria Cross

For most conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty when in command of the S.S. "Otaki", on the 10th March 1917. "At about 2.30 p.m. on 10th March 1917, the S.S."Otaki", whose armament consisted of one 4.7 in. gun for defensive purposes sighted the disguised German raider "Möwe", which was armed with four 5.9 in., one 4.1 in. and two 22 pdr. guns, and two torpedo tubes. The "Möwe" kept the "Otaki" under observation for some time and finally called upon her to stop. This Lieutenant Smith refused to do, and a duel ensued at ranges of 1,900–2,000 yards and lasted for about 20 minutes. During this action the "Otaki" scored several hits on the "Möwe", causing considerable damage, and starting a fire which lasted for three days. She sustained several casualties and received much damage herself, and was heavily on fire. Lieutenant Smith, therefore, gave orders for the boats to be lowered to allow the crew to be rescued. He remained on the ship himself and went down with her when she sank with the British colours still flying, after what was described in an enemy account as "a duel as gallant as naval history can relate. W

1918 For his actions this day Harold Edward Whitfield was awarded the Victoria Cross

    On 10 March 1918 at Burj El Lisaneh, Egypt, during the first of three counter-attacks made by the enemy on the position which had just been captured by his battalion, Private Whitfield, single-handed, charged and captured a Lewis gun, killed the whole gun team of three and turned the gun on the enemy, driving them back with heavy casualties. Later he organised and led a bombing attack on the enemy, again inflicting many casualties and by establishing his party in their position saved many lives and materially assisted in the defeat of the counter-attack.[

1945 Germany blows up Wessel Bridge on Rhine

1945 Patton's 3rd Army makes contact with Hodge's 1st Army

1945 Tokyo in fire after night time B-29 bombings, more than 100,000 people die, mostly civilians

1952 Military coup led by General Fulgencio Batista in Cuba

1960 USSR agrees to stop nuclear testing

1966 North Vietnamese capture US Green Beret Camp at Ashau Valley

1968 North Vietnamese and communist Laotion troops overrun a secret US radar facility, Lima Site 85, on a Laos mountaintop

1972 USSR performs nuclear test at Eastern Kazakh/Semipalitinsk USSR

Friday 18 February 2022

Today in Military History 18 February

 1268 The Battle of Wesenberg is fought

1637 Off the coast of Cornwall, England, a Spanish fleet intercepts an important Anglo-Dutch merchant convoy of 44 vessels escorted by six warships, destroying or capturing 20 of them.

1781 Fourth Anglo-Dutch War: Captain Thomas Shirley opens his expedition against Dutch colonial outposts on the Gold Coast of Africa.

1797 Sir Ralph Abercromby and a fleet of 18 British warships invade Trinidad.

1814 The Battle of Montereau.

1900 British forces suffer their worst single-day loss of life on Bloody Sunday, the first day of the Battle of Paardeberg.

1900  Sergeant Atkinson was awarded the Victoria Cross

During the Battle of Paardeburg on 18th February 1900, Sergeant Atkinson went out seven-times, under heavy and close fire, to obtain water for the wounded. At the seventh attempt he was wounded in the head, and died a few days afterwards. VCOL   W

1915 The Imperial German Navy institutes unrestricted submarine warfare in the waters around Great Britain and Ireland.

1942 The Imperial Japanese Army begins the systematic extermination of perceived hostile elements among the Chinese in Singapore.

1946 Sailors of the Royal Indian Navy mutiny in Bombay harbour

1947 The French gain complete control of Hanoi after forcing the Viet Minh to withdraw to mountains.

1952  Greece was formally welcomed into NATO

Wednesday 16 February 2022

Today in Military History 16 February

 1512 Battle at Valeggio: French troops beat Venetianen OTD

1646 Battle of Great Torrington, Devon - the last major battle of the first English Civil War OTD

1760 Native American hostages killed in Fort Prince George, South Carolina OTD

1804 US Navy Lt Stephen Decatur raids Tripoli Harbor & burns Navy frigate "Philadelphia"  OTD

1846 Battle of Sobraon ends 1st Sikh War in India OTD

1862  American Civil War: General Ulysses S. Grant captures Fort Donelson, Tennessee. W

1864 Battle of Mobile, Alabama  OTD

1894 British troops occupy Ilorin, Gold Coast OTD

1916 Russian troops conquer the Ottoman Empire city of Erzurum during WWI OTD

1934 Austrian Civil War ends with the defeat of the Social Democrats and the Republican Schutzbund OTD

1940 British search plane finds German supply ship Altmark OTD

1942 – World War II: In Athens, the Greek People's Liberation Army is established 

   Audio from BBC of action

1942 William Thomas Gould was 27 years old, and a petty officer in the Royal Navy during the Second World War when the following deed took place for which he was awarded the VC

When after dark the submarine surfaced, two unexploded bombs were discovered in the gun-casing. Petty Officer Gould and Lieutenant Peter Scawen Watkinson Roberts volunteered to remove the bombs, which were of a type unknown to them. They removed the first one without too much difficulty, but the second bomb had penetrated the side plating of the gun emplacement, and then the deck casing above the pressure hull.

Roberts and Gould entered the confined space (which was no more than 2 feet (61 cm) high in places), and lying flat, wormed past deck supports, battery ventilators, and drop bollards. The petty officer then lay on his back with the 150 lb bomb in his arms while the lieutenant dragged him along by the shoulders. "It was then a matter of the two of us, lying horizontally, pushing and pulling the bomb back through the casing. It was pitch black and the bomb was making this horrible ticking noise while the submarine was being buffeted by the waves". They pushed and dragged the bomb for a distance of some 20 feet (6.1 m) until it could be lowered over the side. Every time the bomb was moved there was a loud twanging noise as of a broken spring which added nothing to their peace of mind. Thrasher was surfaced, stationary, and close inshore to enemy waters. If the submarine was forced to crash dive while they were in the casing, they must have been drowned. It was 50] minutes before they got the bomb clear, wrapped it in sacking, and dropped it over the side. W

On 16 February 1942 north of Crete, in the Mediterranean, HM Submarine Thrasher, after attacking and sinking a supply ship, was itself attacked. Thrasher was subjected to a three-hour depth charge attack and aerial bombing.

Later, after surfacing, two unexploded bombs were discovered in the gun-casing. Lieutenant Roberts and a petty officer (Thomas William Gould) removed the first one without too much difficulty, but the second bomb had penetrated the side plating of the gun emplacement, and then the deck casing above the pressure hull. Roberts and Gould entered the confined space (which was no more than 2 ft high in places), and lying flat, wormed past deck supports, battery ventilators, and drop bollards. The petty officer then lay on his back with the 100 lb bomb in his arms while the lieutenant dragged him along by the shoulders. Meanwhile, Thrasher was surfaced, stationary, and close inshore to enemy waters. If the submarine was forced to crash dive, both men would drown. It was 40 minutes before they got the bomb clear, wrapped it in sacking, and dropped it over the side

1943 Withdrawing Afrika Korps reaches Mareth-line in North Africa OTD

1943 World War II: The USSR retakes Kharkov OTD

1944 Major Charles Ferguson Hoey was awarded the Victoria Cross for his actions this day

    "In BURMA, on the 16th February, 1944, Major Hoey's company formed part of a force which was ordered to capture a position at all costs. After a night march through enemy-held territory, the force was met at the foot of the position by machine gun fire. Major Hoey personally led his company under heavy machine gun and rifle fire up to the objective. Although wounded at least twice in the leg and head, he seized a Bren gun from one of his men and, firing from the hip, led his company into the objective. In spite of his wounds the company had difficulty in keeping up with him, and Major Hoey reached the enemy strong post first, where he killed all the occupants before being mortally wounded. Major Hoey's outstanding gallantry and leadership, his total disregard of personal safety and his grim determination to reach the objective resulted in the capture of this vital position." LG

1945 16/17 February at Kanlan YwathitBurma (now Myanmar), Jemadar Prakash Singh Chib was commanding a platoon which took the main weight of fierce enemy attacks. He was wounded in both ankles and relieved of his command, but when his second-in-command was also wounded, he crawled back and took command of his unit again, directing operations and encouraging his men. He was wounded in both legs a second time but he continued to direct the defense, dragging himself from place to place by his hands. When wounded a third time and final time, he lay shouting the Dogra war-cry, "Jawala Mata Ki Jai! [Victory to Goddess Jawala!]" as he succumbed to his wounds, inspiring his company that finally drove off the enemy W

1945 US forces land on Corregidor OTD

1945 Venezuela declares war on Nazi Germany OTD

1986 French air force bombs Ouadi Doum airport in Chad OTD

2006 The last Mobile Army Surgical Hospital (MASH) is decommissioned by the United States Army OTD

Tuesday 15 February 2022

Today in Military History 15 February

 1563 Russian troops occupy Polotsk Lithuania H

1861 Fort Point, in San Francisco, California, completed & garrisoned H

1862  Confederates commanded by Brig. Gen. John B. Floyd attack General Ulysses S. Grant's Union forces Fort DonelsonTennessee. Unable to break the fort's encirclement, Floyd surrenders the following day W

1898 USS Maine sinks in Havana harbour H

1900 Lieutenant Francis Newton Parsons was awarded the VC for his action this day.

Essex Regiment, Lieutenant Francis Newton Parsons (since deceased)

On the morning of the 15th February, 1900, at Paardeberg, on the south bank of the River Modder, Private Ferguson, 1st Battalion Essex Regiment, was wounded and fell in a place devoid of cover. While trying to crawl under cover, he was again wounded, in the stomach, Lieutenant Parsons at once went to his assistance, dressed his wound under heavy fire, went down twice (still under heavy fire) to the bank of the river to get water for Private Ferguson, and subsequently carried him to a place of safety.

This Officer was recommended for the Victoria Cross by Lieutenant-General Kelly-Kenny, C.B. on 3rd March latt.

Lieutenant Parsons was killed on the 10th March, in the engagement at Dreifontein, on which occasion he again displayed conspicuous gallantry. W

1918 US army troop ship torpedoed & sunk by Germany off Ireland H

1939 German battleship Bismarck was launched H

1942 German U-boat shells Antillian oil refinery H

1942 Japanese troops march into Palembang, South Sumatra H

1942 Singapore surrenders to the Japanese H

1944 891 British bombers attack Berlin in the largest raid by the RAF against the city H

1944 Allies begin attack on Axis held Monte Cassino monastery, Italy H

1944 The Narva Offensive begins  W

1946 Wing Commander Forest Frederick Edward Yeo-Thomas was awarded the George Cross W

1948 Mao Zedong's army occupies Yenan H

1952  King George VI of the United Kingdom is buried in St George's Chapel, Windsor CastleW

1984 500,000 Iranian soldiers move into Iraq H

1989 The Soviet Union officially announces that all of its troops have left AfghanistanW

Monday 14 February 2022

Today In Military History 13 February

 1258 Baghdad, then a city of 1 million, falls to the Mongols as the abbasid Caliphate is destroyed, tens of thousands slaughtered, ending the Islamic Golden Age

1601 1st British East India Company voyage departs from London, lead by John Lancaster

1951 At the Battle of Chipyong-ni, in Korea, U.N. troops contain the Chinese forces' offensive in a two-day battle

1942 Hitler's Operation Sealion, the invasion of England, is cancelled

1945 Allied planes begin bombing Dresden, Germany; a firestorm results and over 22,000 die

1945 USSR captures Budapest, after a 49-day battle with Nazi Germany in which 159,000 die

1979  On 13 February 1979,  Captain Robert Laurence  Nairac was posthumously awarded the George CrossW

On This day in Military History 14 February

1530 Spanish conquistadores, led by Nuño de Guzmán, overthrow and execute Tangaxuan II W

1778 The United States flag is formally recognized by a foreign naval vessel for the first time, when French Admiral Toussaint-Guillaume Picquet de la Motte renders a nine gun salute to USS Ranger, commanded by John Paul Jones.  W

1779 American Loyalists are defeated by Patriots at Kettle Creek, Ga. H

1797 The Battle of Cape St Vincent: British fleet under Admiral Sir John Jervis defeats larger Spanish fleet under Admiral Don José de Córdoba y Ramos near Cape St. Vincent, Portugal. H

1855 During the Siege of SevastopolCrimea, Corporal Lendrim superintended 150 French Chasseurs in building No. 9 Battery left attack and replacing the whole of the capsized gabions under a heavy fire. On 11 April he got on top of a magazine under fire, and extinguished burning sandbags, making good the breach. On 20 April he was one of four volunteers who destroyed the screen which the Russians had erected to conceal their advance rifle-pits. W

1862 Galena the 1st US iron-clad warship for service at sea, launched H

1879 Chilean troops occupy Antofagasta v  H

1912 1st US submarines with diesel engines commissioned, Groton, Connecticut H

1916 Near Hooge, Belgium, when the enemy exploded a mine, Lieutenant McNair and a number of men were flung into the air and many were buried. Although much shaken, the lieutenant at once organised a party with a machine-gun to man the near edge of the crater and opened rapid fire on the enemy who were advancing. They were driven back with many dead. Lieutenant McNair then ran back for reinforcements, but the communication trench being blocked he went across the open under heavy fire and led up the reinforcements the same way. His prompt and plucky action undoubtedly saved a critical situation. W

1919 The Polish-Soviet War begins. H

1940 British merchant vessel fleet is armed H

1941 German Afrika Korps lands in Tripoli, Libya H

1942  In the Java Sea, off MalayaHMS Li Wo, a patrol vessel, formerly a passenger steamer, commanded by Lieutenant Wilkinson, sighted two enemy convoys, one escorted by Japanese warships, The lieutenant told his crew he had decided to engage the convoy and fight to the last in the hope of inflicting some damage, a decision that drew resolute support from the whole ship's crew. In the action that followed, a Japanese transport was set on fire and abandoned, and Li Wo engaged a heavy cruiser for over an hour before being hit at point-blank range and sunk. Lieutenant Wilkinson ordered his crew to abandon ship, but he went down with the Li Wo. W

1942 Japanese parachutists land near oil center Palembang, Sumatra H

1942 World War II: Battle of Pasir Panjang contributes to the fall of Singapore. H

1943 German offensive against US troops through de Faid-pass, Tunisia begins, starting the Battle of Sidi Bou Zid H

1943 The Soviet Union recaptures the city of Rostov-on-Don, liberating Russia from the German 17th Army during WWII H

1944 World War II: In the action of 14 February 1944, a Royal Navy submarine sinks a German-controlled Italian Regia Marina submarine in the Strait of Malacca. W

1945 Second day of the bombing of Dresden by Allied air forces H

1945 World War II: Prague is bombed probably due to a mistake in the orientation of the pilots bombing Dresden. H

1945 World War II: Mostar is liberated by Yugoslav partisans. H

1992 Cease fire in Somalia begins H

Today in Military History September 12

1897 21 Sikh soldiers of the Army of British India  where killed at  Saragarhi hill fort