Monday 18 September 2023

Today in Military History 2 March


    For his actions this day Gian SINGH was awarded rhe Victoria Cross
In Burma, on 2nd March, 1945, the Japanese were holding a strong position astride the road Kamye-Myingyan. Two Companies of the 15th Punjab Regiment carried out successfully a wide encircling movement and established themselves on some high ground about one and a half miles in the rear of this enemy position. As all water supply points were within the enemy position it was vital that he should be dislodged. The attack on to the first objective was successful and one platoon was ordered to attack a village to the right. This platoon’s attack, with the aid of tanks, advanced slowly under very heavy enemy fire. Naik Gian Singh was in command of the leading section. The enemy were well concealed in fox-holes along cactus hedges and Naik Gian Singh soon observed enemy some twenty yards ahead. Ordering his Light Machine Gunner to cover him, he, alone, rushed the enemy fox-holes, firing his Tommy Gun. He was met by a hail of fire and wounded in the arm. In spite of this he continued his advance alone, hurling grenades. He killed several Japanese including four in one of the enemy main weapon pits. By this time a troop of tanks moved up in support of this platoon and came under fire from a cleverly concealed enemy anti-tank gun. Naik Gian Singh quickly saw the danger to the tanks and, ignoring the danger to himself and in spite of his wounds, again rushed forward, killed the crew and captured the gun single-handed. His section followed him and he then led them down a lane of cactus hedges, clearing all enemy positions which were being firmly held. Some twenty enemy bodies were found in this area, the majority of which fell to Naik Gian Singh and his section. After this action, the Company reformed to take the enemy positions to the rear. Naik Gian Singh was ordered to the Regimental Aid post but, in spite of his wounds, requested permission to lead his section until the whole action had been completed. This was grantedThere is no doubt that these acts of supreme gallantry saved Naik Gian Singh’s platoon many casualties and enabled the whole operation to be carried out successfully with severe losses to the enemy. The magnificent gallantry of this Naik throughout, his devotion to duty and leadership, although wounded, could not have been surpassed 

Today in Military History 12 March


Plymouth sailor Kate Louise Nesbitt became the first navy_women to win the Military Cross for gallantry during a Taliban ambush in Helmand when she saved the life of a 1 Rifles soldier whilst under fire. RN

Today in Military History 24 February

 1303 – The English are defeated at the Battle of Roslin, in the First War of Scottish Independence.

1525 – A Spanish-Austrian army defeats a French army at the Battle of Pavia.

1597 – The last battle of the Cudgel War was fought on the Santavuori Hill in Ilmajoki, Ostrobothnia.

1739 – Battle of Karnal: The army of Iranian ruler Nader Shah defeats the forces of the Mughal emperor of India, Muhammad Shah.

1821 – Final stage of the Mexican War of Independence from Spain with Plan of Iguala.

1944 – Merrill's Marauders: The Marauders begin their 1,000-mile journey through Japanese-occupied Burma.

1968 – Vietnam War: The Tet Offensive is halted

1991 – Gulf War: Ground troops cross the Saudi Arabian border and enter Iraq, thus beginning the ground phase of the war.

2022 – Days after recognising Donetsk and Luhansk as independent states, Russian president Vladimir Putin orders a full scale invasion of Ukraine.[27]

2022 Russia Invaded Ukraine after a prolonged build up 

Friday 8 September 2023

Today in Military History 23 September


1338   The Battle of Arnemuiden, in which a French force defeats the English, is the first naval battle of the Hundred Years War and the first naval battle in which gunpowder artillery is used W

1409   The Battle of Kherlen is the second significant victory over Ming dynasty China by the Mongols since 1368. W

1459   The Battle of Blore Heath, the first major battle of the English Wars of the Roses, is won by the Yorkists. W

1779   American Revolution: John Paul Jones, naval commander of the United States, on board the USS Bonhomme Richard, wins the Battle of Flamborough Head. W

1780   American Revolution: British Major John André is arrested as a spy by American soldiers exposing Benedict Arnold's change of sides. W

1803   Second Anglo-Maratha War: The Battle of Assaye is fought between the British East India Company and the Maratha Empire in India. W

1899   The American Asiatic Squadron destroys a Filipino battery at the Battle of Olongapo. W


 For most conspicuous bravery and self-sacrifice Ressaidar Badlu Singh recived the Victoria Cross

        His Majesty the KING has been graciously pleased to approve of the award of the Victoria Cross to the undermentioned Officer: —

Ressaidar Badlu Singh, late 14th Lancers, attached 29th Lancers, Indian Army.

For most conspicuous bravery and self-sacrifice on the morning of the 23rd September, 1918, when his squadron charged a strong enemy position on the west bank of the River Jordan, between the river and Kh. es Samariveh Village.

On nearing the position Ressaidar Badlu Singh realised that the squadron was suffering casualties from a small hill on the left front occupied by machine guns and 200 infantry. Without the slightest hesitation he collected six other ranks and with the greatest dash and an entire disregard of danger charged and captured the position, thereby saving very heavy casualties to the squadron. He was mortally wounded on the very top of the hill when capturing one of the machine guns single-handed, but all the machine guns and infantry had surrendered to him before he died.

His valour and initiative were of the highest order. London Gazette, 27 November 1918. W

1938   The Czechoslovak army is mobilized. W

1942   World War II: The Matanikau action on Guadalcanal begins: U.S. Marines attack Japanese units along the Matanikau River. W

1943   World War II: The Nazi puppet state known as the Italian Social Republic is founded. W

1950   Korean War: The Battle of Hill 282 is the first US friendly-fire incident on British military personnel since World War II. W


Major  Kenneth Muir was posthumously awarded the VC for his action at the battle of Hill 282

On 23 September 1950, as part of the breakout from Pusan, the Argylls were ordered to take and hold Hill 282, near Songju, which was dominated by another higher feature, Hill 388, about 1500 metres to the west. Two companies of the battalion took the hill, but were heavily counter-attacked by superior numbers of 

Today in Military History September 12

1897 21 Sikh soldiers of the Army of British India  where killed at  Saragarhi hill fort